Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

9 in 
iT, it 
The classification of literature is by language, not 
country, except that North and South American 
ar separated from other English. Canadian 
French goes with 840; Australian and Indian 
English with 820; South American Spanish with 
860, etc. Numbers assignd to individual authors 
include only their literary works of that section 
and complete works which can not be divided, 
Books on other subjects go with their proper 
‘ubjects, unlessa ‘ special library * attracts all the 
authors’ works, lives, ete. An author writing in 2 
periods has all his books put in the one where 
most of them belong. 
Literature: general works 
8o1  Philosofy Theories Literary esthetics 
802  Compends, outlines | 
803 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 
804 Essays, lectures, addresses 
Clas here collections of essays, addresses, lectures, etc. of which literature in general is 
the subject. For collections of essays in general, taken from various literatures, see 
308.84; for collections of essays regarding a special literature see 04 under number for 
shat literature, i. e. 810.4 Collections of essays regarding American literature; 
820.4 for those regarding English literature, etc. For collections of literary essays 
belonging to a special literature see division 4 under number for that literature; i. e. 
Collections of American essays (by either 1 or several writers) 814, of English essays 
824, etc. Collected essays on a special subject ar clast under number for that 
subject, 1. e. 504 collections of essays on science in general or including 4 or more 
divisions of science, uzing similarly e. g. for collections covering the subject in general 
or 4 or more divisions of the subject 530.4, 572.04, etc. For a collection covering 
'es than 4 divisions clas under number for 1st or most important 
Periodicals, magazines, reviews 
Societies: transactions, reports, etc. 
Study and teaching of literature 
Rhetoric ~~ Literary composition  Collec- 
Divided .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays .5 Oratory, see also 
784.9 Vocal culture .6 Letters, epistolografy .7 Satire, humor 
These heds, 808.1-.7, treat literature from standpoint of Rhetoric, and include only 
works about poetry, etc. regardless of language. For Collections see 808-8 helow 
Collectons from several literatures 
Including books of quotations from several literatures 
81-87 may be uzed like 808.1-.7, e. g. a collection of poetry from several 
literatures 808.81; of drama, 808.82. Clas collections relating to a special subject 
under number for that subject: e. 2. Collections of writings on architecture 720.8. 
on history 9o8 
809 History of literature in general 
Including general histories of books and knowledge: e. g. Hallam’s Literature of 
the middle ages . 
Divided like 808 .I Poetrv .2 Drama .3 Fiction, etc.

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