849.9 Catalan literature
91 ~ Catalan poetry
QIX 1st period 1200-1350
Catalonia before 1137 ruled by French counts, then united to Aragon.
Language is closely allied to Provencal, in which first poets wrote. Mss
scatterd; few as yet printed. Literature begins with James 1 (1213-76)
who made Catalan the state language
For Ramon Muntaner see 849.9813
¢ Raimon Lull 1225-1315 2 Febler 1250 ¢ Minor poets
2d period 1350-1450
Imitation of Neo Provencal, Prench and Italian, specially of Dante, Pe.
trarch and Boccaccio. Some flashes of originality. Fra Rocaberti. Imita-
tion of Dante
Age of perfection 1450
From 16th century, Catalan literature merged in Spanish, tho some writers
still employ idiom, e. g. * Balaguer '
t March, Ausias ~1460, greatest of Catalan poets 2 Fenolla, Bernard
3 Jacme Roig (satiric) 4 Farrer 5 Serafi 6 Pujol 7 Garcia
¢o Minor poets
Catalan fiction
Age of perfection
Joanet Martorel ~1400. Tirant lo Blanch, a chivalric romance
1st period 1200-1350
Prose superior to poetry. Chronicles of great importance, culminating in
1 James 1 (The Conqueror) 1213-76 2 Desclot, Bernardo 3 Mun-
taner, Ramon 1265-1340 4 Ximenes 9 Minor authors
2d period 1350-1450
Prose resists foren influences better than poetry. Many philosofic and
theologic writings beside historical works
1 Tomich 2 Turell o Minor writers