Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

compeld all dictionary makers and great English skolars to declare in 
favor of simpler speling. 
It is sumtimes askt why, if editors of the great dictionaries favor simpler 
speling, the dictionaries themselvs uze it so slytly (tho latest edition of 
Webster has 3000 more simpler forms). This anser is givn by the Stand- 
ard: ‘The chief function of a dictionary is to record usaj, not, except in a 
limited degree, to seek to create it’. Consequently it is not til a word 
or form has made its way into sumwhat common acceptance that it can 
look for dictionary recognition. Other cases where the interest which 
myt be expected seems to be lacking on part of simpathizers ar those of 
authors, educators and men of affairs, who, if left to follo their own juj- 
ment and preferences, wud gladly uze simpler spelings but who ar pre- 
vented from doing so by official connections or rules of their publishers 
Rules | 
We print belo 7 of the best known codes, for convenient reference when 
one wishes to decide with what charjes he wil start his betr speling. 
All wil doutless uze the 12 words and most wil be glad to adopt SS B 30 
words, chozen with great care by leading skolars as the best small beginning 
for the averaj man. These ar simply sampl words. S S B alfabetic 
rules represent expert jujment of distinguisht filolojists as to chanjes 
desirabl and practicabl to recommend for erly jeneral adoption. These 
ar followd by 18 rules, which comprize an erlier list and, forming the 
basis of the alfabetic list, larjly duplicate it but ar included here for 
convenience of those who wish a selection of the most important. A 
compact dictionary list of all English words coverd by S S B rules wil be 
sent on application. 
The sth code is our D C rules, uzed in adition to S S B rules, by those 
willing to pyoneer stil faster. The 6th code, a selection from U S Jeografic 
Board rules, and the 7th, the 1o joint rules of American and English 
filolojists, ar aded for reference and to sho by repetition in different codes 
how closely the best authorities ar in harmony. 
To all governd by reazon rather than by vizual prejudis the objection 
to simpler speling that it looks queer’ will be more than offset by the 
arguments, both skolarly and practical, in its favor; while those who 
shrink from uzing simpler forms thru fear of being regarded iliterate may 
find curaj thru knowing that the movement is supported by the most 
eminent filolojic authorities, and there wil be litl danjer that even the 
silliest of their correspondents wil bring the charj ‘they don’t kno how to 
spel’, as result of their uzing simpler forms for such common and short 
words as ar, giv, hav, shal, wer and wil. 
My ge 

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