Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

May be divided like 040-990, but preferably clast with individual 
Effect on world conditions 
May be divided like main classification, but results with relation to 
special topic ar preferably clast with that topic 
Effect on special countries 
May be divided like 940-999, but preferably clast with individual 
Relations of special classes 
Subdivided like the classification, using ¢ for refugees, divided like 
040-999 by country of origin. For classes not thus provided for see 
Clergy Church 
Subdivide .3152-28 like 280, but use .315289 for sects in 289; e. g 
31521 Greek catholic church 
22 Roman “ “ Pope 
2893 Christian scientists 
Use .31529 like 290; e. g. 
.315206 Jews 
297 Mohammedans Holy war 
Other special classes 
Enemy sympathizers 
Relations of special interests Aspects 
Divided generally like the classification 
Diplomatic history 
See also 940.31—.314 Political history 
Groups of countries: allies and neutrals 
As a body; for individual countries see 9040.34.39 
.332 Entente 
334 Teuton allies, Central powers 
335 Neutrals 
.34—39 Individual countries 
Divided like 940-999 
Under each country further subdivision may be made with the following 
numbers, if its part in this war is clast here insted of with the rest of its 
or Political history Causes 
02 Diplomatic “ 
03 Local (states, counties, provinces, cities) 
04 Military organization 
Clas operations in 040.4 
05 Aspects: economic and other 
06 Celebrations 
07 Prisons, etc. 
08 Personal narrativs 
09 Illustrativ 

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