Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Campain of 1915 continued 
Eastern France Jan.-Sep. 8 
Jan. 24-Ap. 30 1st German assault on Verdun 
1st phase: Douaumont and Vaug, and forts west of the Meuse 
Ap. 7 Germans surrender Les Eparges 
Feb. 16-Mar. 11 French offensiv in Champagne 
July 14 Germans advance in the Argonne 
Sep. 8 “ take trenchesin  “ 
Eastern France Sep. 9-Dec. 
Sep. 24-Dec. 15 Operations in Champagne 
Sep. 2g-0Oct. 1 French progress in Champagne 
Oct. 6 “ take Tahure and 
Butte de Tahure (Tahure hill) 
French take the Courtine, 
south of Tahure 
Germans retake Butte de 
Jan. 3 French take Steinbach 
9 « lose « 
17-18 “ advance close to Metz 
June 22-Dec. 24 Activity in the Vosges 
Austro-Italian front 
Ma- 26 
Italians invade Tyrol and Carinthia 
# take Ala; cros Isonzo near 
Gorizia (Goeritz) 
Italians take Grado 
“ “ Monte Nero, Upper 
Italians attack Gorizia, and take Mon- 
falcone and Plava 
[talians take Gradisca on the Isonzo 
“ reach Rovereto and Mori, in 
the Trentino 
[talians attack Gorizia 
“ take Venerdolol and Brizce 
Italians take Pregasina, on Trentino 
18-Nov. 15 Battle of Gorizia 
East Prussia 
Feb. 4-21 Masurian winter battle 
Feb. 15-18 Battle of Augustowo 
20 Fighting on Niemen (or Memel) river 
Mar. 17 Russians occupy Memel 
21 Germans retake “

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