Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

e final silent. In the following cases drop e: 
a) After a consonant preceded by a short vowel strest; e.g. bad (bade), 
giv, hav, liv, centiped (when so pronounst) 
b) In ar(e), gon(e), and in wer(e¢) when not pronounst to rime with 
¢) In the unstrest final short silabls ide, ile, ine, ise, ite, ive, pronounst 
as if speld id, il, in, is, it, iv; e.g. activ bromid, comparativ, definit, 
determin, examin, favorit, hostil, infinit, iodin, nativ, opposit, positiv, 
practis, promis, textil 
This id, il, in, is, it, iv group shud be chanjed 1st, as the long spelings constantly 
mislead to vulgar mispronunciations like posityv, infinyt, favoryt etc. 
The ordinary use of e final after a singl consonant is to indicate that the preceding 
vowel has a pronunciation different from t at which it wud normaly hav if the con- 
sonant in question wer final, as in bar, bare; hat, hate; her, here; them, theme; sir, 
sire; bid, bide; con, cone; run, rune. Hence the e final is retaind in such words as 
arrive, care, fine, mile, polite, ride, rode, and also in bromide, iodine etc., when pro- 
nounst with the i of line, side 
d) After Iv and rv; e.g. involv, resolv, twelv, valv; carv, curv, deserv, 
¢) After v or z when preceded by a digraf representing a long vowel or 
a difthong; e.g. achiev, believ, freez, gauz, leav, sneez 
f) In oe final pronounst o; e.g. fo, ho, ro, to, wo 
Retain e in inflections -oed, -oes; as foes, not fos, hoed, not hod 
ea pronounst as in head or as in heart. Drop the silent letr; e.g. bred, 
brekfast, hed, helth, hevy, insted, lether, plesure, welth, wether; 
hart, harty, harth [except in case of derivativs where it wud clearly 
be betr that pronunciation be made to correspond to root word than 
that speling be made to correspond to present pronunciation; 
e.g. clean, cleanliness] 
ed final pronounst d. When the chanje wil not sugjest a wrong pro- 
nunciation, drop silent e, reducing a preceding dubl to a singl 
consonant; e.g. anserd, cald, carrid, delayd, employd, examind, 
fild, followd, marrid, pleasd, preferd, robd, signd, sneezd, 
struggld, traveld, worrid, wrongd; but not bribd for bribed, cand 
for caned ; changd for changed, fild for filed, pricd for priced, usd for 
used. ete. 
The e is retaind only in cases where it has by convention a diacritic use, to indicate 
1 preceding long vowel. or, in case of consonants, c¢ sibilant or g pronounst j 
ed final pronounst t. When the chanje wil not sugjest a wrong pro- 
nunciation, spel t, reducing a preceding dubl to a singl consonant, 
and chanjing ced, sced, final, to st; e.g. askt, fixt, helpt, indorst, 
wisht; addrest, kist, past, shipt, stopt, stuft; advanst, announst, 
commenst, invoist, notist; acquiest, effervest; but not bakt for baked, 
deduct or dedust for deduced, fact or fast for faced, hopt for hoped, 
etc. (See note to preceding rule) 

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