Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Campain of 1918 Belgium and France Allied 
offensiv: 2d period Sep. 25-Nov. 11 
Argonne-Meuse offensiv: 1st phase Sep. 25-Oct. 10 
Sep. 26 Americans smash Hindenburg line in the 
Argonne; take Cheppy, Gercourt, Varennes 
and Montfaucon; advance at Guicy 
French take Butte de Mesnil, Navarin 
farm and Servon 
Americans take Exermont, Ivoiry, Epinon- 
7ille, Charpentry, Very, Marcheville and 
Allies take Poelcapelle French take 
“hemin des Dames, Fort Malmaison and 
Somme-Py British retake Passchendaele 
Americans take Brieulles-sur-Meuse 
Belgians take Dixmude 
Allies take Romagne Americans take 
offensiv: 1st phase continued Sep. 26- 
Battle of Cambrai-St Quentin 
Americans cros Canal du Nord 
« take Marcoing,Fontaine-Notre-Dame. 
Cantaing and Noyelles 
Americans take Bellicourt, Nauroy, Oppy 
and Biache—-St Vaast 
Allies take Thornigny and Le Tronquoy 
Allies take St Quentin 
9 “« «Cambrai 
10 « «Le Cateauand St Souplet 
Argonne-Meuse offensiv: 2d phase Oct. 1-31 
Oct. 2 Belgians take Handzaeme and Hooglede 
British take La Bassée and Rolleghemcapelle 
Americans drive Germans from Reims region 
Germans evacuate Armentiéres and Lens 
“ take Gesnes 
French “  Brimont fort 
Allies “ Berry-au-Bac and St Etienne 
Americans “ Brancourt, Chatel-Cléhéry, 
Consenvoye, Haumont woods and Prémont 
Allies gain complete possession of Siegfried 
zone or Hindenburg line 
Americans take Fléville British take 
Argonne-Meuse offensiv: 2d phase continued Oct. 10-17 
Oct. 11 Americans take Vaux-Andigny 
12 French %  Vouziers 
13 “ « La Pere, Laon and St Gobain 
14 Allies take Roulers (Rousselaere) Americans 
encounter Kriemhilde line; take St Juvin 
French take Sissonne 

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