966 North Central Africa European West Africa
French West Africa Sahara
Senegambia Senegal
Sierra Leone
Upper Guinea
Liberia Ivory Coast
Gold Coast Ashanti
Dahomey Togo
» Nigeria
French West Africa Sahara
French West Africa includes colonies: 066.12 Mauritania, 966.2 French Sudan,
966.25 Upper Volta Colony, 066.26 Military Territory of Niger, 066.3 Senegal,
966.52 French Guinea, 966.68 Ivory Coast, 966.8 Dahomey
Sahara (French)
In broad sense all northern Africa from Atlas mts to the Sudan, about
3,500,000 sq. mi. This includes parts of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and
Egypt. French Sahara is estimated at about 1,500,000 sq. mi
Mauritania 344.967 sq. mi.
El Hodh
Sudan (French) Upper Senegal-Niger 617.600 sq. mi.
River Niger
Northwest region
Kaarta, Bakhunu, Sahel
Southwest region
Segu, Kenedugu, Bembas State
Central region
Massina, Timbuktu, Lakes
Upper Volta 154.400 sq. mi.
Mossi, Gurma
Military Territory of Niger 347.400 sq. mi.
Southwest region
Cheggazar, Immanang
North region
Air or Asben
Senegambia Senegal (French) 74112 sq. mi.
Senegambia, region between rivers Senegal and Gambia and sometimes in-
cluding French Guinea; name now disused. Senegal now used for northern
portion, including Casamance basin; includes both colony and protectorate
North coast region
Walo, St Louis
Central coast region
Cavar, Baol, Sine, Salum, Cape Verde, Dakar, Rufisque, Gorée
South coast
Basin of the Casamance
Central region
Jolof, Ferlo
Northeast region
Pouta, Bondu
Southeast region
Bambuk. River Falemé