U S Jeografic Board rules
Most chanjes made harmonize with rules uniformly uzed by U S Jeo-
grafic Board (and strongly recommended for jeneral adoption) in
officialy fixing propr spelings of jeografic names. Sum of these rules
applyd to other words ar:
Pronounce vowels as in Italian and other continental European
languajes, consonants as in English
C always soft (sounded s). Alwaysuzek for hard c; e.g. Korea, Dakota;
never Corea, Dacotah
We leav initial c, at present, in cat, corus, cronolojy etc., also final ¢ in grafic etc.
G is always hard. Ugze j, never dj, for soft g (j sound)
Ch always as in church; never use for k sound, e.g. spel arkitect, caracter,
corus, skool
We keep chemic temporarily; kemic cums later
Never uze ph for f sound
Always pronounce h when uzed; e.g. humor, not yumor
Never uze y for vowel i when it has its propr sound as in other languajes
‘as in pin, pique) ; e.g. limf, linch, simbol, not lymph, lynch, symbol
Ei, with both short vowels pronounst respectivly as in met and pin,
sound like ey in they and prey, or a in fate
Omitting useless gh in sleigh, weigh, freight etc. leavs betr spelings
Filolojists 10 joint rules
These wer made by American and English filolojic associations, includ-
ing nearly all eminent skolars in English, after several years study by
committees of their leading members. British and Americans jointly
recommended these 10 rules as in the interests of real skolarship as wel
as common sense:
1 e Drop silent e when foneticly useless, writing er for re; as in live
(verb), single, eaten, rained, theatre (theater)
2 ea Drop a from ea having sound of e as in met; e.g. feather, leather
3 0 For o having sound of u in but, write u in above (abuv), tongue
‘tung) and the like
4 ou Drop o from ou having sound of u in but, in trouble (trubl), rough
‘ruf) and the like. For our unaccented, as in honour, write or, e.g. honor
5 u, ue Drop silent u after g before a, and in nativ English words.
and drop final ue; guard, guess (ges), catalogue, league etc.
[Do not drop ue when pronounst, as in argue, value, nor when preceded by a
singl long vowel, as in rogue, vague)
6 Dubl consonants may be simplifyd when foneticly useless; e.g. bailiff
(but not hall etc.), battle (batl), written (writn), traveller
7 Chanje d and ed final to t when so pronounst, as in looked (lookt)
ete. unless the e affects the preceding sound, as in chafed etc.
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