Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

War of 1812 
War declared 18 June 1812. Treaty of peace 24 Dec. 1814 
Political history; causes, results 
Hartford convention 
Diplomatic history 
Special campains and battles 
Campain in northwest 
Includes all west of New York 
Surrender of Detroit 16 Aug. 1812 
Events in northwest 1813-14 
Campain in New York, New England and Canada 
Battle of Queenstown 13 Oct. 1812 
Events in New York and New England 1813 
Capture of Fort Niagara 19 Dec. 
Events in Canada 1813 
Capture of Fort George 27 May 
Battle of Thames 5 Oct. 
Events in New York and New England 1814 
Bombardment of Stonington, Conn. 9-12 Aug. 
Bvents in Canada 1814 
Capture of Fort Erie 3 July 
Battle of Chippewa 5 July 
Battle of Lundy’s lane 25 July 
Campain in the south 
Battle of Bladensburg 24 Aug. 1814 
Burning of Washington 24 Aug. 1814 
Bombardment of Fort McHenry 13 Sep. 1814 
Rvents in Louisiana 
Battle of New Orleans 22 Dec. 1814-8 Jan. 1815 
General military history 
English side 
Indian allies 
American side in general 
Divided like 974. Under the number for each state use the book numbers 
A1-A1g for official publications, A2 for lists of soldiers 
South Atlantic states 
Divided like 975 
Gulf states 
Divided like 976 
[Lake states 
Divided like 077

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