Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

973.732 Campain of 1862 continued 
y Peninsular campain, Va. 17 Mar.-2 Sep. 
Siege of Yorktown, Va. 5 Ap.-4 May 
Battle of Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, Va. 31 May-1 June 
Seven-days battles 25 June-1 July 
Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland 17 Mar.-2 Sep. 
Battle of Cedar Run, or Cedar (Slaughter) mountain,Va. g Aug 
Second battle of Bull Run, or Manassas, Va. 30 Aug. 
Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Indian Territory, Dep't of N. W. 
10 Ap.-20 Nov. 
Campain of 1862 concluded 
South Carolina, Georgia, middle and east Florida 12 Ap. 1862- 
11 June 1863 
West Florida, southern Alabama, southern Mississippi, Louisiana 
12 May 1862-14 May 1863 
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona 22 Sep. 1862-14 May 1863 . 
Kentucky, middle and east Tennessee, north Alabama, southwest 
Virginia 10 June-31 Oct. 
West Tennessee, northern Mississippi 10 June-20 Jan. 1863 
Battle of Corinth, Miss. 3-4 Oct. 
North Carolina, southeastern Virginia 205 Aug. 1862-3 June 1863 
Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania 
3 Sep.~14 Nov. 
Battle of South Mountain, Md. 14 Sep. 
Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg, Md. 16-17 Sep. 
Kentucky, middle and east Tennessee, north Alabama, southwest 
Virginia 1 Nov.—20 Jan. 1863 
Battle of Stone river, or Murfreesboro, Tenn. 31 Dec. 1862- 
3 Jan. 1863 
Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania 
15 Nov.—25 Jan. 1863 
Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. 11-15 Dec. 
Campain of 1863 
Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Indian Territory, Dep't of Northwest 
20 Nov. 1862-31 Dec. 1863 
Kentucky, middle and east Tennessee, north Alabama, southwest 
Virginia 21 Jan.-10 Aug. 
Middle Tennessee, or Tullahoma campain 23 June-7 July 
Morgan’s Ohio raid 2-26 July 
Mississippi, west Tennessee 20 Jan.—10 Aug. 
Siege of Vicksburg, Miss. 19 May—4 July 
Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Marvland, Pennsylvania 
26 Jan.—3 June : 
Chancellorsville, Va. campain 27 Ap.—6 May 
West Florida, southern Alabama, southern Mississippi, Louisiana 
Texas, New Mexico 14 May—31 Dec. 
Siege of Port Hudson, La. 21 May-8 July 
North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania 
Dep’t of East 3 June-3 Aug. 
Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. 1-3 July

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