Superior figures indicate the part of paje in ninths; 1, 5and 9 indicating top,
middle and foot: 27? means way between top and middle of p. 27
D C means Decimal clasification
CD "Classification décimale, the enlarjd French translation of D C
IIB ” [Institut International de Bibliographie
NEA "” National Education Association
SSB ” Simplifyd Speling Board (American)
SSS " Simplifyd Speling Socyety (English)
| Chanjes, unauthorized, effect of 328,
34% 35? .
Charjing sistem, advantajes of D C for
Clas numbers, definition 15%; how
to assyn 129% 28-31!; how to bild
317-325; how to read 27%; in name
catalog 23%; in shelflist 237; number
of figures uzed 31!
Clases, divisions and sections 3%; broken
order 3g
Clasification, labor of constructing
sistem 125, 46%; lak of uniformity 13°;
requirements of sistem 97; test of
skeme 14; testing new skemes 19,
Clast catalog, arranjement 23%; objec-
tion obviated 139-145; printed 23%-241
Close clasing 15°, 298, 311-7: ilustrated by
history divisions 157; objection and
compromize 31%; requisit for bibliog-
rafers and specialists 408-412; value of
Collaborators 468—473
Colon, meaning 419-421; use 412-3
Conciseness, D C 10%; English 545-552
Consistency in speling, not essential
54° of SS S 513
Consonants, new 50°
Contractions for specialists 382
Coordination, preservd in D C 16!
Copyryt restrictions 35?
Cronolojy, use of, for final subdivisions
Cupling syn 41%
Cutter numbers, advantajes 327
Dash, meaning in C D 41¢
Decimal clasification, essential fea-
ture 11%; explanation of meaning 12%;
extent of use 10%II%; future of
48%; labor of constructing 46°;
orijin and growth gi-109, 465-481;
practical test ¢8; priority of its
invention 118; product of experts
14%, 46°~47'; simplicity 12!; speling
rules 56%, 609-619; variations 338-40?
Decimal form of the sistem 121
Decimalism, use of 20%—2 9
Dictionary catalog 24!
Dictionary speling 56!
Differences between D C and C D 407
Digrafs sot 8
Divisions 32
Duplicates, see Sale duplicates
Absurdities in speling 50°, 553-7
Accession book, advantajes of D C
for 24%-25!
Accession order, for book numbers 33
Accretion syn 41°
Adaptability of D C 264
Aded entries 293-30°
Adoption of D C by I I B 403
Advantajes of D C 245-274
Aknowlejments 466—48!
-al dropt 544
Alfabet, use of, for final subdivisions
Alfabet, perfect 50°
Alfabetic arranjement, method in C D
Alfabetic caracters, new 505-8
Allyd subjects, sequence 167
American Filolojic Association, com-
mittee on key alfabet for Standard
dictionary 49°
American Library Association clasifi-
cation committee 473, 487
Amherst college, library recatalogd 26?
Analitic references 30?
Andrews, C W, indettedness to 47°
Arabic numerals, advantaj of uzing
26°, 54%; argument agenst 508
Arranjement of D C 277-281
Assyning numbers, directions 129, 28-
Author numbers 327
Author tables, special 33
Basis of I I B revision 403
Bibliografic modifications 40-43!
Bilding numbers 317-325
Biografy, treatment of 36°
Biscoe, W S, time number sistem 332;
valuabl assistance 473
Book numbers 320-337
Books, arranjement 3%; how to find
subject of 285-292
Bookstores, use of D C in 43
Broken order, advantaj of 39°
Cachtitles, use of 16°-17!
Cards, arranjement 3%, 238, 44°
Carnegie, Andrew, supporter of simpler
speling 494, 53?
Catalogs 235—24%
Cautions, in making variations 342