Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

076 South Central or Gulf 
I Alabama 
1702 settled by French 
14 Dec. 1819 admitted as 22d state . 
II Jan. 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 51,279 sq. mi. 
Population 2,348,174 in 1920 67 counties 
Sobriquet: Land of Flowers Capital: Montgomery 
7 Ap. 17908 organized as territory; ro Dec. 1817 admitted as 20th state 
9 Jan. 1861 seceded; 17 Feb. 1870 readmitted Area 46,362 sq. mi. 
Population 1,790,618 in 1920 82 counties : 
Sobriquet: Bayou state Capital: Jackson 
1699 settled by French 30 Ap. 1803 bought of France 1 Oct. 1804 organ. 
ized as Territory of Orleans 
30 Ap. 1812 Louisiana admitted as 18th state 
26 Jan, 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted - Area 45,409 sq. mi. 
Population 1,798,500 in 1020 64 parishes - 
Sobriquets: Pelican state, Creole state Capital: Baton Rouge 
20 Dec. 1835 independence from Mexico declared; 2 Mar. 1836 republic formd 
20 Dec. 1845 annext as 28th state 
t Feb, 1861 seceded; 30 Mar, 1870 readmitted Area 262,398 sq. mi. 
Population 4,663,228 in 1920 253 counties 
Sobriquet: Lone Star state Capital: Austin 
Indian Territory Oklahoma 
30 June 1834 assignd to Indians (part of Louisiana purchase) 
Area 30,790 sq. mi. } 
Population 800,000 in 1906 
Oklahoma organized as separate territory 2 May 1800 
16 Nov. 1907 admitted as 46th state Area 69,414 sq. mi. 
Population 2,028,283 in 1020 77 counties 
Sobriquet: Sooner state Capital: Guthrie 
4 June 1812 included in Missouri territory; 2 Mar. 1810 organized as Arkansas 
15 June 1836 admitted as 25th state 
5 May 1861 seceded; 22 June 1868 readmitted Area 52,525 sq. mi. 
Population 1,752,204 in 1020 75 counties 
Sobriquet: Bear state Capital: Little Rock 
1769 settled from Virginia; 14 Dec. 1784 organized by settlers as state of 
Franklin (or Frankland) 
I June 1796 admitted as 16th state 
8 June 1861 seceded; 24 July 1866 readmitted Area 41,687 sq. mi. 
Population 2,337,885 in 1920 05 counties 
Sobriquet: Big Bend state Capital: Nashville 
1775 settled by Daniel Boone; 20 May 1790 territory organized 
x June 1792 admitted as 15th state Area 40,181 sq. mi. 
Population 2,416,630 in 1920 120 counties 
Sobriquet: Blue Grass state Capital: Frankfort

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