This Clasification divides knowlej into 9 main clases numberd 1 to o.
Cyclopedias, periodicals etc. so jeneral as to belong to #0 one of these
clases ar markt o (naught) and form a 1oth clas. Each clas is similarly
separated into g divisions, jeneral works belonging to no division having
o in place of division number. Divisions ar similarly divided into ¢ sec-
tions. This process is repeated as often as necesary. Thus 512 means
clas 5 (Pure syence), division 1 (Mathematics), section 2 (Aljebra), and
every aljebra is numberd 512.
Books on shelvs and cards in a clast catalog ar arranjed in simpl numeric
order, all clas numbers being regarded as decimals. The Clasification
Tables sho order of subjects. Thus g1z Aljebra follows grr Arithmetic
and precedes 513 Jeometry. Since each subject has a definit number, all
books on any subject stand together.
Summaries 1st summary shows the 1o clases. 2d shows the ¢ divisions
of each clas, and is useful as a 1-paje birdseye view of whole skeme. Then
follo 10 pajes, 1 foi each clas, giving the ¢ sections of each of its g
divisions, and showing scope of the clas on a singl paje.
Tables These 3 summaries ar followd by ful Clasification Tables,
which present in numeric order all clases, divisions, sections and sub-
sections. Sinonimus terms, exampls, brief notes, dates and cachwords
ar often aded to simpl heds to giv fuller and clearer idea of scope of each
number. Therefore all references to numbers shud be lookt up in ful
Tables, never in Summaries, which ar in effect a contents table of the
ful Clasification.
Index After the Tables an alfabetic Index of all heds givn in Tables
refers by clas number of each to its exact place in Tables. This Index
includes also sinonims and many other entries likely to help a reader
find his subject eazily. Even a uzer who knows just where to turn to his
subject in Tables, may, by consulting the Index, be put on trak of valuabl
allyd matter which he wud otherwize overlook.
Ful explanations Ilustrations and sugjestions for numerus applications
of this sistem, and ful explanations of its nemonic and other important
features ar givn in v. 1, Introduction.
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