Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

obstetrics 618.4 
punishment crim. law 343.2 
schools 371.56 
solitary, crim. law 343.2 
prison disciplin 365 
Confirmation sacraments 265.2 
Conflagrations 614.84 
Conflict of duties 171 
laws intern.law 341.5 
Conformity Anglican ch. 283.42 
Confucianism religion 299.51 
Confucius Chinese philos. 181.1 
Congelation physics 536.43 
defectsof body hyg. 613.91 
teratol. 611.012 
distortions surgery 617.39 
Congestion of the lungs 616.242 
Conglomerate lithology 552.51 
Congo, see Kongo 
Congregation eccle. polity 262.2 
Congregational church 285.8 
creed 238.58 
orders 262.19 
singing 783.9 
Congregationalism sects 285.8 
Congregationalists lives 022.5 
of Berlin World war causes 940.3117 
nations intern. law 341.1 
Vienna Europ. hist. 940.27 
internat. law 341.1 
U.S. legis. bodies 328.73 
Congresses, library 020.63 
? gee also special subject 
debates, U.S. 328.732 
directories *“ 328.738 
documents 328.734 
Congreve, W: Eng. drama 822.46 
projections descrip. geom.515.4 
spheric “ 515.56 
sections analyt. geom. 516.22 
geometry 513.22 
Conicoids analytic geom., 516.42 
Conics “ 516.53 Conquest 
modern “ 513.53 international law 341.3 
Coniferee botany . 585.2 Norman Eng. hist. 042.02 
Conium nervous depress. 615.786 of Greece by Rome 038.08 
Conjugate forms invariants§r2.38 Mexico by Spain - 972.02 
Conjugatee botany 580.61 territorial pol. sci. 320.1269 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this ndex 
Eng. gram. 425.18 
Fr. “ 445.18 
Ger. “ 435.18 
Gk “ 485.18 
Lat. “ 475.18 
other lang. 

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