Coshocton co. O. history 977.1635
Cosmetics - adulterations 614.354
customs 391.6
toilet 646.7
Cosmic dust astronomy 523.16
philosofy metaphys. 113
time chronology 529.7%
Cosmogony metaphysics 113
natural theol. 213
Cosmografy phys. geog. 551.4
1Cosmoledos hist, 959.43
Cosmology metaphysics 113
natural theol. 213
Cosmos fiber manuf, 677.118
Cossa, Pietro Italian drama 832.82
Cossacks Russian hist. 047
bilding 692.5
industrial management 658.002
keeping accounts 657
of animals zootechny 636.08112
Corrosiv college education 378.368
sublimate antiseptics 615.778 farm agriculture 631.112
drugs 615.258 fertilizers ¢ 631.817
pestifuges 648.7 food dom. econ. 641.31
toxicology 615.927 living laboring classes 331.831
Corrugator supercilii anat. 611.7325 relation to wages 331.2154
Corruption political economy 338
electoral suffrage 324.27 Costa, I: da Dutch poetry 839.31155%
official ethics 172.2 Paolo Ital. essays 854.71
Corsets hygiene 613.484 S: Dutch drama 839.31233
Corsica, Italy anc. hist. 937.9 Costa Rica hist. 972.86
1 mod. ¢ 945.9 Costal cartilages anatomy61r.y125
Corsican pony 636.165 Costanzo, A. di Ital. poetry 851.41
Cortereal, G. discov.of Am. 973.16 Coster hist. of printing 655.112
M. “« ww“ gv3.16 Costivness diseases 616.34
Cortés, H. discov. of Am. 973.16 Costmary 635.74
Mex. history g72.02 Costocervical artery anat. 611.1346
Cortex, cerebral anatomy 611.8137 Costochondral joints 611.723
physiol. 612.825 Costoclavicular ligam. 611.7271
Corticine dom. economy 645.1 Costosternal joints “ 611.72 3
lib. te 022.961 Costovertebral « 4 611.722
offis “ 651.2411 Costume
Corti’s fibers anatomy 611.8522 academic 378.29
physiology 612.8584 customs 301
ganglion anatomy 611.8918r ecclesiastic 247.7
organ “ 611.8522 fashion magazines 646.05
physiology 612.8584 hygiene 613.48
Cortland co. N.Y. hist. 974.772 military 355.14
Corundum chemic tech. 666.8 Cot grape 634.8544
econ. geol. 553.63 Cote d” Or, France hist. 044.42
mineralogy 549.5 de Chatillon W.war 1918 940. 4364
Corvée pol. econ. 331.57 | rotie grape 634.8544
Coryza diseases 616.205 4 | Co-tenancy law 347.2
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index