Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

physiology 612.819 
sutures anatomy 611.7141 
Craniidee zoology 504.8 
Craniology nat. hist. of mans73.7 
Cranium anatomy 611.715 
base of “ 611.7143 
Crannoges prehist. dwel. 571.83 
Craonnaise swine 636.443 
Craonne World war 1917 940.4316 
ridge “ “ 940.4316 
Craps game 795.1 
Crashaw, R: Eng. poetry 821.42 
3Crasis “« lang. 421.2 
Crassulaceee botany 583.39 
Craters seismology 551.21 
Crates Greek philosofers 183.4 
Crawfish fishery 639.5 
zoology © 595.3841 
Crawford, F. M. Amer. fic. 813.49 
Crawford co. Ill. history 977.375 
Ind. “ 977.228 
Ia. “ 977.745 
Kan. “ 978.198 
Mich. “ 977.477 
Mo. 977.862 
0. 077.127 
Pa. 974.807 Creole 
Wis. 077.574 French dialect 447.9 
Creosoting . bldg materials 691.1 
Crayfish. fishery 639-5 Crepe, silk manuf. 677.4164? 
zoology 595-3841 Cress 635.561 
Crayon drawing 741 Crested turkey : 636.5921 
Cream adulterations 614.324 Cresting roofs 721.56 
dairy 637.148 Crests heraldry 929.8 
of tartar adulterations 614.315 Cretaceous era geology 551.77 
Creameries agriculture 637.231 fossils paleont. 560 
Creamometer 637.1276 Crete ancient history 939.18 
Creation ! modern “ 949.98 
doctrinal theol. 233.11 Cretinism diseases 616.997 
evolution 575 atin manuf. 677.2164 
metaphysics 113 Creuse, France history 044.68 
anny] thal, 213 Creutz, G. F. Swed. poetry 839.714F 
) Crevasses glaciers §51.31 
Creativ power ment. facul. 155 . 
. Crévecoeur fowls 636.541 
Creator doctrinal theol. 231.1 Crewel work art needlewk 746 
Crébillon,C.P.].de fils Fr.fic.843.55 Crib 
P.J.de Fr.drama 842.52 open architec. foundations 721.172 
Creches - institutions 362.71 Cribbage games 705.41 
Tovics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 
bones anatomy 
ganglions “ 
legislativ bodies 
Credibility of Scriptures 
and bonds insurance 368. 81 
finance 332.7 
Foncier finance 332.72 
institutes loan instit. 332.31 
institutions state control3zsr.82¢ 
mobilier railroads 385 
U.S. history 973.82 
payments bus. meth. 658.882 
sistem skools 371.26 
to workers, by gov't 331.99 
Credo sacred music 783.22 
Credulity 137 
Creeds Anglican ritual 264.037 
dogmatic theol. 238 
public worship 264.5 
Creek indians removal 973.55 
Cremaster muscle anatomy 61x. 736¢ 
Cremasteric fascia “ 611.639 
of garbage san. engin'g 628.44 
the ded customs 393.2 
public helth614.62 
pub. helth 614.62 
san. engin'g 628.44

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