library rules for readers 024.4
market dom. econ. 641.4
of the year chronology 529.2
week, names 529.2
recipes for special 641.566
Dayton, O. history 977.173
Deacon eccles. polity 262.15
Deaconess “ “ 262.15
religious orders 271.99
Dead sea travel 015.69
see also Ded
Deaf, see Def
Dealing on account finance 332.64
with option “ 332.64
Deans college 378.11
Dearborn co. Ind. hist. 977.211
Death, see Deth
Debates parliamentary 328
rhetoric 808.5
Debating soc. self-culture 374.24
Debility diseases 616.986
Debt, Debtor, Debts, see
Det, Dettor, Dets
Decalog Bible 222.16
Decantation prac. chem. 542.66
Decapitation physiology 612.822%
punishments 343.2
Decapoda crustacea 505.384
mollusks 594.58
Decatur city, Ill. history 977.358
co. Ind. « 977:216
Ia. “ 977-7875
Kan. “ 978.114
Decay of rocks lithol. 552.7
Deccan hemp fibers 633.563
Decidua pregnancy 618.35
system arithmetic
weights and mesures
Decipium inorgan. chem.
Decision of character eth.
Decisions of juries math.
shipbilding 623.84
Declamation rhetoric 808.5
of independence U.S. 973.313
Savoy creeds 238.5
war internat. law 341.3
Declarations law 347.92
Declension of nouns Eng. 425.15
3 other lang.
Declination, variationsof 521.2%
Decline, period of physiol. 612.6%
Decoction prac. chem. 542.61
Decomposition, chem. of 541.39
architectural 720
day holidays 394.268
skools 371.365
U. S. history 973.76
design 740
domestic economy 6453
in relief architecture 720.5
interior 747
library bildings 022.34
museum econ. 069.225
offis economy 651.24
plants floriculture 635.9653
roof architecture 721.56
skool bildings 371.635
Sunday skools 268.24
encuragem'ts to work ec, 331.97
heraldry 929.7
presentations World war 940.464
table dom. econ. 642.8
Decorativ art 740
Decorum ethics 77.1
libraries 024.52
Decrees ecclesias. polity 262.6
Decretals “ “ 262.6
Rom. cath. church 282
animals air pollution 614.763
disposal of the pub.helth 614.6
list of U.S. civ. war 073.767
World war 940. 467
ministry of sacraments 265.8
sea description 915.69
transportation of 614.63
treatment of 393
worship of 291.2135
Dedication church ordin. 265.9
sermons 252.7
Deduction by Bessel geod. 526.47
Puissant “ 526.48
mental faculties 153.6
wage econ. 331.212
disciplin econ. 331.1483
Deductiv logic 162
1Dedza hist. 968.9745
Deeds law 347.2
Topics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Superior ficures refer to the tables at the end of this index