Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Delisle’s method  astron. 523.93 
Deliveries lib. econ. 021.61 
obstetrics 618.4 
of goods business meth. 658.7885 
stations lib. bldgs. 022.16 
Del Norte co. Cal. hist. 979.411 
Delsarte gymnastics 613.71 
‘Delta, Egypt history 962.1 
travel 916.21 
connections elec. 621.319133" 
! co. Mich, history - 977.494 
Deltas physical geografy 551.48 
Deltoid muscle anatomy 611.737:1r1 
Deluge Genesis 222.11 
geologic agents 551.92 
Delusions 133 
Delvillewd World war 1916 940.4272 
Demagogy politics 329 
Demand and supply prices 338.5 
wages 331.2 
creating bus. meth. 658.821 
Dementia 132.1 
Demerara history 988 
travels 918.8 
Demigods 291.213 
Demisang horse 636.144 
Democracy form of state 321.4 
industrial econ. 331.152 
social 335.5 
Democratic party 329.3 
Democritus Gk philosofers 182.7 
Demografy statistics 312 
Demolition devices mil. 623.27 
Demonetization 332.47 
Demoniac possession theol. 2335 
comparativ religion 291.216 
dogmatics 235 
witchcraft 133-4 
Demonstration skools 370.733 
De Morgan, W: F. Eng. fic. 823.91 
Demosthenes Gk oratory 885.6 
Demotions educ. 371.28 
Demulcents therapeutics 615.735 
Demurrage transportation 656 
Denain, Fr. World war 1918 940. 4365 
Denbigh, Wales history 942.93 
‘Dendera hist, 962.33 
Dendrites histology ~~ 611.01883; 
Dendrolatry 291.2123 
Dendrology botany 582 
forestry 634.942 
Dengue diseases 616.921 
Denials, special apologet. 239.9 
Deniécourt World war 1916 940. 4272 
Denina, Carlo Ital. essays 854.62 
Denmark administration 354.489 
antiquities 913.489 
architecture 720.9489 
botany 581.9489 
colleges 378.489 
constitu, law 342.489 
education 370.948¢ 
finance 336.489 
geology 554.89 
history 048.9 
laws 349.489 
maps 012.489 
religious history 274.89 
schools, public 379.489 
statistics 314.89 
travel 914.89 
treaties 341.2489 
zoology 591.9489 
other topics see table 
Dennis, J: Eng. drama 
Denominations, Christian 
of blood physiology 
earth astronomy 
urin physiology 
Dent co. Mo. history 
inspection schoolhyg. 371.712 
periosteum, diseasesof = 617.63 
pulp, diseases of 617.61 
work lab. classes econ.331.82276 
Dentate nuclei anatomy 611.81713 
Dentatum "- 611.81713 
Denticete zoology 599.53 
Dentine diseases dentistry 617.62 
Dentistry 617.6 
Dentists, registration of 614.24 
Denudation geology 551.3 
Deodorants exter. thera. 615.777 
Deodorization of sewage 628.32 
Deodorizers contag. dis. 614.482 
Deontology 170 
arrangement offis files 651.531 
organization economics 331.12 
offis econ. 651.32 
stores bus. methods 658.871 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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