Dermaptera zoology 595.721
Fr. loc. gov.352.04403 Dermatology anatomy 611.77
“ * % 352.04401 animals 591.49
lib. admin. 025 pathology 616.5
Sunday skools 268.43 physiology 612.79
U. S. gov. 353-04 Dermis anatomy 611.778
Dependent pension ot U.S. 973.85 Dermoskeleton comp. anat. 591.49
states pol. sci. 321.025 Co.
Dependents child study 136.767 Deroulade. P oy pe ’ »
welfare 362.7 Derricks en in eri 6 8
education 371.966 \ gineering 21.673
— Dervishes 297
institutions 362.5 . . .
Dephlegmators prac. chem. 542.48 Désaugiers, M! AM. Fr. lit. 841.65
Depolarized cells elec. eng. 621.3536 Descartes empiricism 144
Depolarizers “ * 621.3534 Fr. philosofy 194.71
Deportation ~~ World war 940.405 Descent genealogy 929
Deposit of man evolu. 575.8
of duplicates lib. econ. 025.269 rulesof law 347.6
money by reader 024.14 Deschamps, Emile Fr. poet. 841.73
vaults offis econ. 651.16 Eustache * sat. 847.13
Deposition geology 551.3 Deschanel French hist. 944.08
spas ims evidence 347.94 Desclot, B. Catalan misc. 849.9812
eposits inti vel 2
thick, working of min. 622.35 Descr pion ave farms pr} 08131
Depravity natural theol. 216 Descriptiv
pessimism 249.6 anatomy botany 581.7
total theol. 233.2 man 611
Depron stock business 658.7871 zoology 501.7
circulatory therapeutics 615.716 Geometry i
nervous - 615.786 Desertion from mil. servis 355.114
Depressions Deserts physical geografy 551.58
trade commerce 381 .
reclamation 631.617
money | 332 soil humidity 631.432
production 338 Deshoulitres, A. Fr. poet. 841.46
Depressor alae nasi anat. 611.7323 Desi
labii inferioris ~~ 611.7326 jon toctunal va
nerv physiol. 612.1787 arouments from 9
Deptford, London hist. 942.16 g Ady
Depth of sewers 628.218 apologetics | 339
Deputies natural theology 21x
p \ el. arts of 740
dep's rganieotion, Sto. 53T.12438 pusiness bldgs. ind. man. 658.23
De Quincey, T: es oy S38 elementary education 372.52
Derangement, mental 132 library bildings 032.34
‘Derby, England history 942.51 metaphysics 124
Derbyshire sheep 636.3261 product indus. manage. 658.575
Derivation shipbilding ’ 623.81
of words comp. philol. 412 Designing ~~ decoration 745
3 Eng. language 422 Designs engineering 620.04
Dermal indus. manage. 658.004
respiration physiology 612.703 mosaic architec. 729.7
zoology 591.122 Desk fittings lib. econ. 022.99
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index