fabrics manuf. 677.55
fibers “ 677.55
tissue histology 611.01827
of muscle physiology 612.7414
physics 539-3
pulmonary physiology 612.212
tests engineering 620.1123
Elastin nutrition 612.398146
Elateridee = zoology 595.765
Elatinea botany 583.161
Elbasan, Alb. World war 1918 940.4378
Elbingen sheep 636.3317
Elbling grape 634.8543
Elbow anatomy 611.973
joint “ 611.7273
Elci, A. M.d’ Ital. satire 857.66
Eldad and Modad 229.913
iEldama ravine hist. 967.63
Elder botany 583.51
Elderberry agriculture 634.747
Elders ecclesiastic polity 262.15
El Dorado folklore 398.3
. city, Kan. hist. 978.1881
co. Cal. “979.441
grape 634.847
Eleatic Greek philosofers 182.3
doctrinal theology
frauds suffrage
U. S.
to legislativ body
city admin. 352.004
legislativ jurisdiction 328.342
U.S. law 324.73
voting procedure 324.24
Electiv franchise 324
system education 375.004
college suffrage 324.249
commission “ 324.73
U. S. hist. 973.82
frauds suffrage 324.27
lists # 324.241
system polit. science 321.8
systems suffrage 324.21
animals comp. physiol. 612.771
apparatus inspection 614.836
clocks horology 681.116
communication eng. 621.38
construction forest eng. 634.9348
cooking appliances 643.336
elevators engin'g 621.8775
lib. bldgs 022.905
engineering 621.3
execution of criminals 343.2
furnace physics 537.85
prac. chem 542.4%
heating bilding 697.7%
dom. econ. 644.26
prac. chem, 542.47
irritation of nervs 612.8161
light domes. econ. 644.315
libraries 022.754
mech. eng. 621.32
physics 537.83
lighting shipbilding 623.85
stations 621.3122
machinery engin'g 621.313
machines physics 537.23
manipulation chem. 542.8
mesurements engin’g 621.37
physics 537.7
mesuring of temperature 536.53
methods qual. analysis 544.9
quan. “545.3
phenomena physics 537.4
of muscles physiol.612.743
nervs 612.813
skin # 612.795
plant shipbilding 623.85
plow 631.3123
power stations eng. 621.312
transmission “ 621.319
railways “ 621.33
resistance mesology 612.014422
shock surgery 617.12
signals physics 537.88
stimulation of hart 612.1723
storms physics 538.7
stoves kitch. equip. 643.336
telegraf, communication 654
engineering 621.382
physics 537.81
testing useful arts 621.37
traction stations 621.3123
vehicles engin’g 629.2
vessels shipbilding 623.823
Electricians lib. econ. 023.772
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior ficures refer to the tables at the end of this ind ex