Electricity Electrostatic apparatus eng. 621.315
accidents from Electrostatics static elec. 537.2
animal mind and body Electrotherapy
physiology electric engineering 621.3915
zoology electrophysiology 612.014428
applied engineering medicin 615.84
physics Electrotonus electrophys. 612.014422
cooking by physiology 612.8133
effect on muscles Electrotyping printing 655.22
farm power Eleemosynary institutions 362
generation useful arts Elefants domestic animals 636.9
heating by dom. econ. hunting 799.2761
hygiene trick 791.8
therapeutics zoology 599.61
Electro- SElegiac poetry Eng. lit. 821.04
analysis qualitativ 544.9 Gk « 834
quantitativ = 545.3 Latin “« 874
ballistic machines gun’ry 623.5 Elemental destruction agric.632.1
biology animal mag. 134 Elementary
biology 577 education 372
blasting mining 622.23 forms arch. design 729.3
chemic autom. teleg. 621.38241 readers Eng. language 428.6
chemistry 541.37 skools LL 372.9
chronograf astronomy 522.52 gymnastics in 371.7327
culture crops 631.5881 libraries for 371.645
dialysis prac. chem. 542.8 manual training 371-4262
dynamics 537.6 pub. skool sistem 379.18
kinetics dynamic elec. 537.5 theory of music 781.2
magnetism 538.3 Elements
metallurgy 537.85 chemic chem. tech. 661.1
motors machines 621.313 chemistry 546
science 537.83 false a 546.99
physiology anim. mag. 134 required architec. design 729.21
biology 577 1Elephantine hist. 962.36
physiology 612.01442 Elephants, see Elefants
plating manufactures 671 Eleusinian mysteries
metallurgy 537.85 Greek antiquities 913.38
Electrodes electrophysiol. 612.01442 mythology 292
engineering 621.3522 Elevated ;
Electrolysis qual. anal. 3544.9 ground hygiene _ E13.18
quant. 545.3 railroad city transit 388.4
engineering 625.4
Electrolytes elec. eng. 621.3524 stations arch.jz5.318
Electrolytic anal. chem. 545.3 temperature hygiene 613.64
rectifiers , eng. 621.31374 ways public helth 614.782
Electrometers engmg 621.3743 Elevation archit. design 729.1
physics 537.23 lib. bildings 022.341
Electromotiv Elevations meteorology 551.53
force of hart 612.1724 Elevatormen lib. econ. 023.793
phenomena Elevators
of nervous excitation 612.8223 grain architecture 728.36
Electromotors elec. eng. 621.313 hydraulic machinery 621.263
Electrons chemistry 541.2 library bildings 022.905
Electroplate repro. museums 069.414 mech. engineering 621.877
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superic- figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes