Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Fattening animals zootech. 636.08455 Feeble-minded 
Fatty. substances in blood 612.123 childstudy 
Fauces anatomy 611.32 education of 
diseases of 616.31 mental derangements 
Faucial tonsils anatomy 611.323 Feed mills architecture 
Faults structural geol. 551.87 Feeder 
theory of min. eng. 622.16 electric traction 
Fauna zoology 501.9 panels elec. eng. 
‘Fauquier co. Va. hist. 975.5275 Feeding 
Faure accumulators eng. 621.3553 boiler steam eng. 621.1042 
IFauresmith hist. 968.52 of animals animal hyg. 614.95 
Faust legend legends 398.22 zootechny 636.084 
Faverolles poultry 636.545 bees 638.1445 
Favorits, royal biog. 923.9 school children 371.716 
Favors = school rewards 371.53 Feedwater appliances 621.1973 
{Fayette co. Ill. history 977.3797 boiler 621.1943 
: Ind. “ 977.262 Feejee ilands history 996.1 
Ia. “ 977.735 Feelings emotions 157 
0. “ 977.181 Fees, admission museums 069.625 
Pa. & 074.884 bilding 692.8 
W.Va. « 975-471 gratuities economics 331.238 
physiol. psychol. 612.82133 offis econ. 651.3838 
psychology 157 legislativ employees 328.3626 
Anglican church 264.031 membership library o21.9% 
Rom. cath. ¢ 264.021 nonresident tuition 379.13 
social customs 304.1 professional 331.27 
Feathers, see Fethers readers lib. econ. 024.2 
Features of surface moon 523.34 teachers 371.162 
sun 523.74 tuition education 371.22 
Febler Catalan poetry 849.9112 Feet, artificial surgery 617.58 
Fecal secretion phys. zool. 591.149 care hygiene 613.49 
Feces physiology 612.361 zootechny 636.0834 
Fecundation costumes 391.4 
botany English prosody 426.3 
embryology human anatomy 611.986 
physiologic zoology weights and mesures 389 
physiology } Feher Szagos grape 634.849 
Fecundity physiology Feijéoy Montenegro, B. J. 
Federal Spanish misc. 868.41 
employees | econ. 331.795 Feitama, Sybrand Dut. lit. 839.31144 
govs pole, i Feith, Rhijavis Dut. fic.  839.31343 
party Am. politics 329.1 . 
state pol. sci. 321.021 Felabie wo rd Varig 9. ny 
trade com'n U. S. hist. 973.913 Pelata o oe OEY 572.9002 
Federalism polit. science 321.8 nian. laws! 998.42 
Federalists U. S. history 973.4 Feldspar econ. geol. 553-69 
Federation mineralogy 549.61 
I 250 Fellenberg’s system educa. 371.426 
imperial Brit. 354.4201 Felling } logging 634.98242 
pol. sci. © 321.021 Fellowship, church 265.2 
Feeble-minded Fellowships colleges 378.33 
asylums for 362.3 Felons criminal law 343 
architecture 725.53 Felsites lithology $52.27 . 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 

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