Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Rilicaja, V. da Ital. poetry 851.54 
Filicinae botany 587.3 
Filing machines mech.eng. 621.924 
museum econ. 069.651 
offis « 651.5 
Filioque controv. theology 231.3 
Filipinos ethnology 572.9914 
Fillets anatomy 611.8167 
fibers for agriculture 633.59 
teeth dentistry 617.67 
Fillite lithology 552.44 
Fillmore, M. presidency of 973.64 
Filloerytrin blood 612.111Q 
Fillopoda zoology 595.32 
Filloxera agriculture 632.75 
Fills railway engin'g 625.12 
Film servis museums 069.14 
Filologists biografy 924 
Filology 400 
classic 470-489 
Filoprogenitivness frenol. 139 
zool. 591.56 
Filosofers biografy 921 
Filosofer’s stone alkemy 540.1 
clasification of knowlej 
instrument making 
biografy of 
2 of special topics see subject 
Filter basins waterworks 628.16 
cloth manuf. 677.116413 
presses sewage 628.343 
Filters, feedwater engin’g6z1.1972 
Filth diseases pathology 616.93 
pub. helth 614.51 
areas sewage 628.368 
hygiene 013.35 
industrial sanitation 628.545 
practical chemistry 542.67 
sewage 628.35 371.912 
water supply 628.16 611.7279 
Filydraceae botany 584.35 611.7377¢ 
Fimbria anatomy 611.81314 573.6 
Fimosis anatomy 611.642 301.7% 
surgery 617.46 631.3154 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde 
Final causes metaphysics 
clauses. Gk syntax 
Finale music form 
orchest. music 
indus. manage. 658.14 
private © political econ. 332 
public % “ 336 
Finances butter business 637.216 
cheese “ 637.316 
dairy “ 637.116 
dom. economy 647.1 
farm 631.16 
forestry 634.9284 
lib. econ. 025.11 
local gov't 352.1 
museum economy 069.64 
Sunday skools 268.142 
zootechny 636.0816 
administration civ. serv. 351.71 
lib. gov't 023.36 
bills legislation 328.376 
crises pol. economy 332 
economics 332 
institutions pol. ccon. 332 
losses insurance against 368.81 
markets 332.6 
Financiers biografy 923.3 
Finches birds 598.81 
Finding latitude 525.41 
at sea 527.1 
longitude 525.46 
at sea 527.2 
merid. line astron. 522.31 
time 529.7 
at sea 527.3 
1Findlay, O. history 977.119! 
Fine arts 700 
biografy of 027 
disciplin econ. 
offis econ. 
imposition lib. econ. 
remission “a @ 
alfabet, def and dumb 
joints anatomy 
little, muscles of « 
prints anthropology 
rings costumes 

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