Flowering Focshani World war 1917 940.4327
currant agriculture 634.724 Fodder, dry zootechny 636.08554
cypress botany 583.158 fresh “ 636.08551
moss “ 583.65 Foetal, foetus, see Fetal, fetus
of plants floriculture 635.953 Fog hygiene 613.14
plant growth agriculture 631.5474 meteorology 551.5%
plants botany 582 signals applied acous. 534.83
Flowerless plants 586 commerce 654.9
Flowers Fogaras World war 1916 940.4276
agriculture Fogazzaro, A. Ital. poetry 851.85
botany Fohn meteorology 551.51
grape Foil fencing 796.863
landscape gardening 'Poix, France history 044.88
language of Fokke, A. S. Dutch hum. 839.3174
national Fokshani World war 1917 940.4327
painting Folding
seasoning appliances offis equip. 651.267
Flox botany beds manuf, 685.533
Floyd co. Ind. history bridges engin'g 624.82
' Ia. “ seats manuf, 685.535
1 Va. “ Folds geology 551.87
Flues sewer ventilation Folengo, Teofilo Ital. satire 857.31
smoke heating Foliage botany 581.4
Fluid vein hydraulics floriculture 635.975
Fluids physics forest prod. 634.9891
preservativ biol. Folk dances amusements 793.31
refrigerating Folklore 308.3
Fluke zool. Folksong folklore 398.8
Flukes parasitic diseases music 784.4
Flumes water power Folkvisor Swed. poetry 839.7114
Fluming logging Folle blanche grape 634.8544
Fluor mineralogy noir “ 634.8544
Fluorescence light Follicles, see specific name
Fluorin inorganic chem. Follow the leader game
mineralogy Follow up :
Flushing shafts sewers clerk sales dept. 658.815
Flute musical instrum. letters offis econ. 651.757
grafting agriculture sistem buying dep't 658.75
Flutina music dep’t organiza. 331.1252
Fluting irons dom. econ. Pond du Lac co. Wis. hist. 977.568
'Fluvanna co. Va. hist, Fonetic
Fluxes metallurgy shorthand 653
Fluxions calculus spelling Eng. lang. 421.4
Fly, see Flies Fonetics elem. educ. 372.4
Fly mold botany filology 414
Flycatcher birds Fonics elem. educ. 372.4
Flying filology 414
animal locomotion 591.47 Fonograf acoustics 534.86
fish zoology 507.5 automatic manuf. 681.135
grounds aeronautics 629.144 manuf. 681.8432
machines “ 533.6 musical instrum’ts 789.9
engineering 629.13 Fonografy 653
Focimeter lenses 535.81 Fonolite lithology 552.26
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables atthe end of this index