plants agriculture 631.544
floriculture 635.987
houses plant protection 631.3445
Ford, J: Eng. drama 822.38
P. L. Amer. fic. 813.49
Ford co. Ill. history 977.362
J Kan. “ 978.176
Forearm anat. 611.974
arteries 4 611.1343
lymfatics & 611.4217
muscles “ 611.73734
Forebrain “ 611.813
Foreclosure law 347.2
Foreign, see Foren
Foreknowledge of God
doct. theol. 231.4
banks polit. econ. 332.15
bodies diseases 616.981
surgery 617.146
' elements Eng. language 422.4
enlistment mil. sci. 355.22
help dom. econ. 647.24
labor polit. econ, 331.62
law 349
legion 354. 44066
missions 266
relations internat. law 341
polit. science 327
states administration 354
study laboring classes 331.866
trade commerce 382
travel laboring classes 331.8654
wars of U.S. mil. order 369.115
Forensic chemistry law 340.6
medicin “ 340.6
Foreordination salvation 234.9
Foresight guns 623.4252
Forest cattle 636.221
co. Pa. history 974.868
Wis. “ 977.531
grape 634.8445
surveys forestry 634.928332
trees botany 582
Forestation 634.956
Forestry agriculture 634.9
landsc. gard. 21g
state control 351.823
zootechny 636.08422
(Forfar, Scotland history 941.31
Forfeit games 793.5
Forge bellows 533-87
shop eng. works 621.73
Forgemen's occupation hyg. 613.64
Forgeries, see Frauds
Forgery academic degrees 378.26
law 343
polit. economy 332.9
Forges, Fr. World war 1916 940.4273
Forget-me-not botany 583.77
Forging blacksmithing 682
machinery, hyd. 621.266
Forgivnessof sin theology 234
Forking tillage 631.511
Forks, digging 631.3114
hay 631.3535
tuning acoustics 534.3
weeding 631.3154
board test psychology 151.2
books law 347.93
factors forest mensuration 634.928548
influence on respiration 612.2291
letters offis econ. 651.756
sales manage, 658.825
musical 781.5
of embryo embryology 611.0137
legislature pol. sci. 328.39
state “« 4 321
Formaldehyde chemistry 547.5
disinfect. 614.484
Format printing 655.53
Formatio reticularis anat. 611.8226
of character
crystals crystallog.
stock zootechny
Formicidae zool,
Formium cordaj manuf.
Formosa history
‘Formosan languaj
elementary arch. design 9729.3
library printing 025.121
of suffrage 324.2
Forests storage bus. meth. 658.783
haunted folklore 398.32 strength of materials 620.1128
meteorology 551.58 Formulae
ownership 333.7 exponential trigonom. 514.3
reclamation 631.614 | L.M.Z. geodesy 526.46
Tonics in black face type are suhdivided, Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index