Branklin, Tenn. battle
U.S.civ.war 973.7379
Fla. history 975.991
ML. ¢ 977-394
[nd. “ 977.215
la. # 977.728
Kan. *“ 978.166
Me. ¢ 974.17
Mass. “ 074.42
Mo. “ 977.863
N.Y ¢ 974.755
0. “ 977.156
Pa. 974.844
Vt. 974.31
Va. “ 975.568
ter. Can. “ 971.29
Franks “ 043.01
Franzén,F.M. Swed.poetry839.7158
$Frase books Eng. lang. 428.2
{Fraserburg history 968.745
Frasing music 781.633
Fraud .electoral suffrage 324.27
law 347.5
art history
literary history
Fraudulent ‘
conveyances law 347.7
counting elections 324.275
elections TU. S. 324.73
voting suffrage 324.272
Fraunhofer’s lines spectro. 535.84
Freckles dermatology 616.55
Frederic, H, Amer, fic. 813.49
Frederick new Ger. empire 943.084
v Ger. history 043.024
+“ “ 943.025
3 “ 943.028
Frederick city, Md. hist. 975.288
¢ co. Md. “ 975.287
: Va. “975.599
Fredericksburg, Va. “ 975.5366
U. S. civ. war 973.7339
grace Christian doctrin 234.113
hand drawing 741
importation lib. aid 021.861
love ethics 173.1
medicin welfare work 361.1
news and reading rooms 027.9
postage library aid 021.862
public libraries 027.4
religion 211
savings institutions 332.28
school system education 379.1
soil party polit. party 329.6
U. S. history 973.61
speech polit. science 323.442
State history 967.5
travel 916.75
thinkers biografy 922.9
thought eccles. polity 262.8
rationalism 211
trade and protection 337
use of libraries 024.28
will metaphysics 123
psychology 159
theology 234.9
Freebooters crim. law 343
education of 371.974
in U.S. army U.S. hist. 973.741¢
slavery 326.8
Freedmen’s bureau 361.3
and emancipation
slavery 326.8
U.S. hist. 973.714
metaphysics 123
of labor gov't support 331.99
strikes 331.891
theory 331.011
doct. theol. 233.7
censorship 323.445
journalism 070.13
public order 351.751
speech 323.443
teaching education 378.121
pol. sci. 323.444
personal pol. sci. 323.44
political liberty 323.4
religious eccles. polity 262.8
salvation 234.9
Freehold land societies 334.1
law 347.2
agency doctrinal theol. 234.9
baptists sects 286.2
church of Scotland sects 285.6
cities Ger. government 354.4308
Ital. history 045.04
coinage of silver 332.41
colonies 362.56
exercizes athletics 796.41
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index