G. A. R. associations 369.151 Gallatin co. Ill. history 977.397
Gabbro plutonic rocks 552.34 Galleries
Gabelsberger shorthand 653.33 and libraries 021.48
Gabionades mil. eng. 623.24 art 708
Gables arch. construc. 721.28 architecture 727.7
design 729.37 library bildings 022.656
roofs 721.58 library shelving 022.423
1Gabun history 967.21 shooting architecture 725.89
Gadfly zool. 595.772 Fallery
Gadhelic languaj 491.61 leaflets museum econ. 069.538
Gadolinium chemistry 546.694 study tables lib. bldgs o22.52
Gadsden co. Fla. hist. 975.9925 talks museum econ. 069.151
purchase U.S. “ 973.66 Galley outfit shipbilding 623.86
'Gaelic language 491.63 Galleys criminal law 343.2
Gaertner grape 634.84909 shipbilding 623.8212
Gaetulia ancient history 939.77 Gallfly zoology 595.771
cocks locomotiv boilers 621.1339 , oe 2 ancient hist 937.2
glasses steam eng. 621.18472 00 Lh Story 977-189
Gallican church 282.44
Gages op. schismatics 284.82
bake Sivleslime 034.954 Gallinaceous birds 598.61
comprest air 621.532 ry
steam power plant 621.1977 Gallipoli World war 1915 940.4259
Gagin arithmetic 11.8 1976.948.4289
ging 5 8 : Gallium chemistry 546.68
] mesares 399 Galloons manuf, 677.76
Gaiters shoe manuf. 685.314 Galloway cattle 636.2232
Galactin milk composition 637.1272 Qa 636.1622
Galactometer dairy 637.1276 Guliows criminal law 343.2
Galactophorus ducts anat. 611.693 Galls pests 633.2
Galactose nutrition 612.39613 pes ‘
; . . utiliza. forest prod. 634.989512
Galatia ancient history 939.32 Calo wade cong. 781. 508528
Galatians Bible 227.4 . :
Galsworthy, J: Eng. drama 822.91
Gale, Zona Amer. fic. 813.5 fiction 823.91
Galegae legume crops 633.375 Galt, John English fiction 823.77
1Galekaland hist. 968.671 Qulvanic batteries
Galena econ. geology 553.44 engineering
metallurgy 669.4 manipulation
Gales meteorology 551.51 physics
Galicia, Austria Galvanism
history Galvanized iron
World war gratings
: Spain history manuf,
Galician languaj GGalvanometers
5 oo literature electric engineering 621.3744
Galilei, G. Ital. essays electrophysiology 612.01442186
Gall physics 537.86
bladder anatomy (ralvanoplasty
diseases of electrometallurgy 537.85
physiology manufactures 671
ducts, see Bile ducts Galvanotropism
flies agric. pests 632.79 electrophysiology 612.014427
formation secretions 501.145 Galway, Ireland history 941.74
Galla languaj 493.52 Gamay grape 634.8544
Gallantry ethics 177.1 hatif grape 634.8544
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index