Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

secretions physiol. zool. 591.143 
vein anatomy 611.1493 
Gastritis diseases 616.33 
colic omentum anat. 611.382 
duodenal artery “  6r1.13641 
epiploic “« left “ 611.13642 
right « 611.1364" 
nervs “ 611.8393 
hepatic omentum  “ 611.382 
splenic « «611.382 
Gastrocnemius muscle “  611.73853 
Gastronomy cookery 641.01 
Gastropoda zoology 504.3 
Gastrotomy surgery 617.55 
Gastrotricha zool. 595.188 
Gastrula embryology 611.01332 
architectural construc. 721.8 
! co. Wis. history 977.519 
museum econ. 069.226 
offis fixtures 651.22 
railway equipment 625.18 
Gatherers, hay 631.3532 
stone 631.3117 
Gatling guns mil. eng. 623.42242 
Gauge, see Gage 
Gauging, see Gaging 
Gaul history 044 
'Gauley valley, W. Va. hist. 975.468 
Gauntlets manuf. 685.434 . 
Gaur domestic animals 636.2934 
Gauss’s theory magnetism 538.1 
Gautama Buddhism 204.3 
Gautier, Théophile Fr. fict. 843.77 
Gauz manuf. 677.652 
wire prac. chem. 542.46 
Gavot 793.32 
Gay, John Eng. drama 822.56 
Gayal domestic animals 636.2934 
Gayangos, Pascual de 
Spanish miscellany 868.51 
Gaza, Pales. World war 1917 940.4331 
1918 940.4382 
Gazaland hist, 967.97 
Gazetteers 010.3 
special country,see country914-919 
IGealeka hist. 968.671 
Gearing mill engin’g 621.85 
Gears horology 681.1122 
tooth mill engin’g 621.83 
valv “ “ 621.84 | 
steam engins 621.1342 
1Geary co. Kan. hist. 978.129 
exclusion act U.S, hist. 973.86 
!Geauga co. O. history 977.1336 
Geese hunting 799.2484! 
poultry 636.598 
zoology 508.41 
Gehenna doctrinal theol. 237.5 
Geibel, E. German poetry 831.83 
Geiger, E. G. Swed. misc. 839.7867 
Geiger tree botany 583.77 
Geissler’s tubes electricity 537.53 
Geisterwald mts. W. war 1916 940.4276 
Gelatin manufacture 668.3 
processes photo. 773 
Gelatinosa anatomy 611.8224 
Gelatinosee ~~ botany 589.18 
Gelatinous liquids chem. 541.325 
Gelding zootechny 636.082342 
Gellert, C. F. Ger. poetry 831.61 
Gelli, G. Italian essays 854.37 
Gem engraving ’ 736 
Gemara Judaism 296 
Gemelli muscles anat. 611.73818 
Gemignano, F. da San 857.11 
Gemini muscles anat. 611.73818 
Gemmation zoology 591.165 
Gems economic geology 553.8 
engraved 736 
mineralogy 549 
Gender Eng. language 422.5 
Fr. “ 442.5 
Lat. “ 472.5 
other languages 
Geneagenesis zoology 
law 347.7 
eccles. polity 262.5 
religious history 270.2 
secretary Y.M.C. A. 267.341 
ticket suffrage 324.222 
Generalization logic 161 
Generals, lives of 923.5 
botany 581.16 
of electricity 61.31 
physiology 612.6 
spontaneous biology 576.1 
physiology 612.601 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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