Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Hawkins, A. H. Eng. fic. 823.91 Heat 
J: discov.of Am. 973.17 breeding  zootechny 636.082451 
Hawks diaphoretics 615.743 
agricultural pests 632.682 disinfection contag. dis. 614.483 
captor  zootechny 636.081113 effect on books 025.8 
zoology 598.91 plants 81. 
Hawsers ship outfit 623.86 engins air engins ” oe 
strength of 620.11288 food preservation 641.4 
Hawthorn botany 583.37 geologic agents 551.94 
Hawthorne, J. Amer. fic. 813.47 imponderable remedies 615.832 
N. “ “ 813.33 mesology physiology 612.01443 
Hay agriculture 633.2 meteorology 551.52 
box cookers 643.338 muscular physiology 612.7455 
dry fodder zootechny 636.08554 of earth 525.2 
fever diseases 616.202 moon 523.32 
gatherers 631.3532 stars 523.82 
Griqualand hist. 968.784 a 523.72 
making 631.553 physics 536 
racks 631.3735 physiologic effects 612.59 
rakes 631.3532 production, muscular 612.745 
we on -3531 protection of animals 636.08362 
Ha = RB id ; 3 354 slow, cooking by 641.588 
yes, R. B. presidencyof ¢73.83 : 
thermochemistry 541.36 
Hayes grape 634.84709 Heaters, feedwat 6 
Hayne, P. H. Am. poetry 811.42 ’ ater 21.1972 
Hays, Kan. history 978.1191 potable 614.79 
'Hayti history 972.94 Heath 
travel 917.204 botany 
Haze meteorology 551.57 i sheep 
Hazelnut botany 583.976 Teathen } 
nut raising 634.54 apologetics against 239.3 
Hazing student life 371.82 art ecclesiology 246.2 
Hazlitt, W: Eng. essays 824.76 missions to 266 
Head, Headgear, etc. see philosofy vs the church 261.2 
Hed, Hedgear, etc. religions 290 
Healing, divine 265.8 salvation of 234 
Health, see Helth Heathenism nonchr. relig. 299 
Hearing Heather see Hether 
acoustics 534.7 Jeating 
anatomy 611.85 apparatus dairy 637.1322 
asylums for def 362.4 bilding 697 
colord music 781.1 cheesemaking 637.3334 
diseases 617.8 domestic economy 644 
sar hospitals 362.1 houses sanitary engin'g 628.8 
facial nerv 612.81974 indus. arkitecture 658.25 
localization of sense 612.82555% oration 022.8 
physiology 612.85 milk preservation 637.1332 
p sychology 152.2 physics 536.83 
Hearings ractical chemistr 542 
legislativ procedure 328.3742 p as y 42-4 
Heart, see Hart school bildings 371.628 
Hearth money pol. econ. 336.27 shipbilding 623.85 
Heat steam plants 621.19 
agriculture 632.12 systems dom. econ. 044.1 
animal physiology 612.5 working conditions econ. 331.8274 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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