Heaven, heavenly, see Heven, | Hedstones monuments 718
hevenly mortu. design 247.3
Heavy, see Hevy Hedysareae legume crops 633.376
Hebbel, F; Ger. drama 832.7% Heel anatomy 611.986
Hebraic Sabbath 263.1 bone “ 611.7187;
Hebrew ancient history 933 scrape 631.3164
‘ language 492.4 Hegel German philosofers 193.5
’ literature 802.4 Hegelund, P. J. Dan. dram.839.812 33
religion 296 Hegesias Gk philosofers 183.5
Hebrews epistles 227.8% Heiberg, J. L. Dan. dram.839.81262
_— modern history 296 P: A. “ “ 839.81258
ebrides “ 941.1% Heidelberg
New ® 993.4 catechism
travels 919.34 vt Ger. history
sheep 636.3258 travels
Hebron, Pal. World war 1917 940.4331 !' Transvaal hist.
Hed Heideschnucken
ake diseases 616.84 Height, see Hight
anatomy 611.91 Heilbron history 968.54
art anatomy 743 Heine, H; Ger. poetry 831.75
boiler steam engineering621.18452 Heinrich von Veldeke 831.23
bones anat. 611.714 Heinrije van Veldeke 839.31112
bursae “ 611.751 Heirs law 347.6
craniology 573.7 'Hejaz, Arabia history 953.2
Clseases 616 Hektograf offis appliances 652
ress customs 391.5 Heldenbuch Ger. poetry 831. 29
lice zool. 595.7512 das K.v.d.R6hn83 I.35
lymfatic glands anat. 611.461 Helgoland
lymfatics “ 6rr.qz1r ‘ history 943.518
muscles “ 611.732 World war 940.453
oblique muscles “ 611.7318 travel 914.3518
of dep’t economics 331.1243 Bight World war 1914 940.454
offis econ. 651.373 Heliand Saxon epic poetry 839.2
enterprize Soom 331.1242 Helicopters aeronautics 629. 176
offis econ. 651.372 Heliocentric
phrenology 139 longitude and latitude
surgery 617.51 place 521.2
Hedakes diseases 616.84 Welionral
Hedberg, F. Swed. dram. 839. 7265 forest engineering
Heders 631.3543 military ~~ «
Hedge laurel botany 583.141 Heliogravure photog.
Het Sun 631.3421 Heliometer astronomy
edgear, in oor 646.48 Heliopolis history
manu, 687.4 Heliostat astronomy
outdoor 646.5 . . .
. Heliotherapy medicin
Hedgehog fungi 580.222 Teliot b
Hedges agriculture 631.27 ny Otrope atany
fortenlinge 635.976 eliotropism mesology
forest engineering 634.9345 Helioty bes
landsc. gardening 713 Heliozoa zoology
Heding pruning 631.54213 Helium group chemistry
'Hedjaz, Arabia history 953.2 Hell theology 237.5
Hedonism ethics 171.4 Hellebore irritant poisons 615.93
Topics in black face type are subdivided, Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index