Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Ft, capture  U.S.civ.war 973.7322 
naval hist. “ 973.752 
Hens diseases of 619.5 
oultr 636.5 
Hepati FL y Heredity 
evolution 575.1 
ar tery . anat omy hygiene : 613.9 
circulation physiology 
mental 136.3 
duct anatomy Ny 
f : origin of the soul 129.2 
extract physiology physiology 612.605 
nervs anatomy spiritual doctrinal theol. 233.3 
opotherapy physiology zootechny 636.08211 
steatoses, toxic 4 ‘Hereford, England hist. 942.44 
vein anatomy cattle 636.2226 
Hepatica botany . sheep 636.3242 
Hepatice botany Hereroland hist. 968.85 
Hepatitis diseases Heresies 273 
Hepatology physiology Heretics, persecutions of 272 
Heptarchy Eng. history Herford, O. Amer. humor 817.5 
Heraclitus ~~ Gk philosofy Tergesheimer, J. Amer. fic. 813.5 
Heraldry Herjulfson, B. Amer. hist. 973.13 
‘Herat, Afghanistan hist. Herkimer co. N. Y. hist. 974.761 
TY. Hermann v. Sachsenheim 831.33 
'Herault, France history Hermanni, N. Swed. poetry 839.7111 
Hermannstadt W. war 1916 940.4276 
Herb doctors cures . . 
: Hermaphrodites animals 591.167 
Herbaceous grafting man 573.9 
Herbal perfume plants Hermaphroditism physiol. 612.608 
Herbariums } Hermeneutics Bible 220.6 
architecture Hermetic art alchemy 540.1 
Herbemont grape Hermit crab zool. 595.3841 
Herberay, N* &’ Fr. fiction Hermits biografy 920.8 
Herbert, G: Eng. poetry religious biografy ¢22 
Herbert ‘Hernando co. Fla. hist. 975.971 
grape Hernia diseases 616.34 
Griqualand hist. Herniotomy surgery 617.55 
Herbertschoeche Hero worship nonchrist. rel. 291.213 
World war 1914 Herodiones birds 598.34 
Herblike fruits Herodotus Greek literat. 388.1 
Herbs garden crops Heroism ethics 179.6 
Herculaneum description Heron birds 598.34 
Hercules Herpetology 598.1 
club Holaay Herrera, F.de Span. poetry 861. 35 
Herrick, R. Amer. fic. 813.5 
grape Eng. poetry 821.43 
mithology Herring fisheries 639.2 
Herd zoology 597.55 
books zootechny 636.0822 Herrnhuters sects © 284.6 
character “ 636.0821 "Herschel, Cape of G. H. hist. 968.772 
composition “ 636.0823 Hertford Eng. history 042.58 
Herder, J; G. von Ger. poet. 831.64 Hertz, Henrik Dan. dram. 839 81263 
Herd wick sheep 636.3253 Heruli ancient hist. 036.332 
Hereditary Herzegovina 
diseases hygiene 613.93 annexation W. war causes 940.3111 
genius mental charac. 136.3 "history 043.96 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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