Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Hesiod Greek epic poetry 883.2 Hicks grape 634.847 
Hesse- Hicksites friends 289.6 
1 Darmstadt Ger. hist. 943.41 Hidalgo 
* Nassau “« a 043.58 grape 634.84909 
Hessian fly  agric. pests 632.77 I Mexico history 972.4 
sheep agriculture 636.3332 Hidden writing, typer manuf. 681.6121 
Hessians Amer. revol. 973.342 Hide 
Hetzrism customs 392.6 and seek game 796.14 
Heterocera, see Moths eng. materials 620.198 
Heterocerques zool. 597.47 the handkerchief 796.14 
Heterogenesis : Hidneae fungi 589.222 
alternate generation 591.163 Hierarchy, military 355.33 
spontaneous “ 501.161 nonchristian rel. 291.61 
Heteromera zoology 595.767 of gods 291.215 
Heterophagic variat. zool. 591.153 Hieroglyfics 419.25 
Heteropoda zool, 594.34 Egyptian 493.1 
Heteroptera 4 505.754 Hierro history 964.95 
Hether botany 583.62 Higginson, T: W. Amer. essays814.42 
Heunisch grape 634.8543 High 
Heven theology 237-4 altitude observatories 522.14 
Hevenly bodies, figures of 521.14 church Anglican church 283 
rotation “ 521.1% cranberry 634.745 
Hevy current cells 621.3534 five card game 795.4 
engineering 621.31-.37 huckleberry 634.737 
exercizes athletics 796.43 jump athletics 796.43 
woods forestry 634.97632 license temper. ethics 178.4 
Hewlett, M. H: Eng. fic. 823.91 pressure engins 621.11253 
Hexacorolla zoology 503.63 hot water heat'g 697.4 
Hexagons geometry 513.16 piping = hydraul. 621.253 
Hexameters steam heat'g 697.5 
English prosody pub. skool sistem 379.171 
Greek & 2dary educ. 373 
Latin “ speed telegrafy 621.3824 
other languages treason law 343 
Hexapoda zoology 505.7 velocity overshot wheels 621.222 
Hexateuch Bible 222.1 warp tapestry manuf. 677.642 
Heyse, P. J; L; Ger. fict. 833.85 digher 
Heywood, J: Eng. drama 822.2» algebra 
Hiatus Greek prosody 486.4 criticism Bible 
Latin # 476.4 education academies 
$ other languages colleges 
Hibbert lectures religion 290 of women 
Hibernation fos, phys. 612.58 numeric equations algeb 
zoology 501.54 . 
Hibiscus bark cordage manuf. 677.716 H tend Blaatebnoad Shep 
. co. O. history 
Hibou grape 634.8544 Va p 
Hichens, R. S. Eng. fic. 823.91 ’ 
Hickok, L. P. Am. philos. 101.4 } grape 
Hickory Highlands 
botany 583.973 co. Fla. history 975.955 
co. Mo. history 977.8496 Scotland descr. 914.11 
nut raising 634.52 t hist. 041.1 
tree borer zool. 595.768 Highmore's body anat. 611.6315% 
Tcpics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inder 

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