Hight Hindu architecture
of atmosphere ~ §23.58 ' languajes
bildings ground hyg. 614.784 law
tide wave 525.65 philosofy
Hights, mesurem’t survey's 526.94 religion
Highway areas Eng. loc. gov. 352.04207 Hinduism
bridges engin'g 624.12 "Hindustan history
Highwaymen law 343 Hindustani languaj
Highways Hinged
administration 351.811 arch bridge engin'g
law 347.2 Hinny domestic animals
local government 352.7 Hinterwald goat
road engineering 625.7 Hip
transportation 388.1 anatmy 611.981
travel on protec.of life 614.862 bone 611.7181
Hil 44, Belg. World war 1918 940.4342 diseases of 616.7
60 & “ 1015 040. 4241 joint anatomy 611.7282
63 ©“ “ 1918 040. 4342 muscles “ 611.7381
70, Pr. “ 1917 940.4316 Fargery 617.58
141, Belg. a 1918 940. 4352 Hipparion paleontology 569.7
230 © “ 1918 940. 4352 Hippias Greek philos. 183.1
grammite fly zool. 505.743 Hippocampal gyre anat. 61r.81314
soli 631.5313 sulcus “ 611.81314
Hildebrand Italian hist. 945.03 Hippocrates strainer chem. 542.67
tollliot © Gyos Hippodromes amusements 791.3
Hildebrandslied Ger. poet. 831.11 opolagy solos
: ‘ ipponax Greek satire 887.3
Hill, see Hil Hippophagy hygiene 613.28
Hillhouse, J. A. Am. dram. 812.23 Hippuric acid physiology 612.461266
Hillsboro co. N. H. hist. 974.28 Hire economics 331.2
‘Hillsborough co. Fla. hist. 975.965 offis economy 651.38
Hillsdale co. Mich. “ 977.429 Hirson, Belg.
Hilside plow 631.3124 World war 1914
Hilsides reclamation 631.613 1918
Himalayan architecture 722.4 Hirudinide medicin
languaj 495.5 zoology
literature 895.5 Hirundinidee “
Himalayas phys. geog. 551.43 Hissop ~~ botany
iravel 015.42 Histogenesis zoology
Himyaritic inscriptions 492.917 Histology
languaj 492.9 animals 591.8
Hindbrain anatomy 611.817 botany 581.8
Hindenburg Ger. hist. 943.085 human anatomy 611.018
Hindenburg line of muscular contraction 612.7419
World war 1917 Mar. 940.4314 Historians, English biog. 028.28
Nov. 040.4317 Historic
air battle 940.447 atlases
1918 Sep. 940.4361 books Bible
Oct. 940.4363 charts and tables
Hindi languaj 491.43 geografy
Hindoo, see Hindu magazines
'Hindostan history 054 pageants amusements
Hindrances farming 632 painting
Topics in black face type are subdivided, Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index