Infinitiv English syntax 425.8
Greek # 485.8
Latin “ 475.8
8 other languages
Infirm, care of dom. econ. 649.8
institutions 362.65
Infirmaries architecture 725.51
hospitals 362.11
school bldgs 371.625
Inflammation physiology 612.556
surgery 617.22
Inflammatory affec. of skin 616.51
apparatus aeronautics 629.161
paper money 332.5
3Inflection English philol. 423.1
civil servis reform 351.6
zduc., of phys. training 371.731
of college education 378.01
onwomen 376.64
kindergarten 372.22
personal, of teachers 371.102
sectarian pub. schools 377.1
[nfluenza diseases 616.203
public helth 614.5
Information desk offis ec. 651.456
Infraorbital nerv anat. 611.831542
Infraspinatus muscle “ 611.73713
Infundibula “ 611.639
Infundibulum anat.of brain 611.8143
[nfusoria zoology 503.15
[nfusorial earth econ.geol. 553.69
petrografy 552.57
Ingemann, B. S. Dan.poet. 839.81162
Ingenuity inventions 608
Ingermanland, Rus. hist. 947.4
Ingersoll, C: J. Am.drama 812.24
Ingham co. Mich. history 977.426
Ingrain carpet manuf. 677.6436
Ingram’s rebellion Va. hist. 975.5
Ingria, Rus. hist. 947.4
Inguinal glands anat. 611.4681
Ingwavuma hist. 968.38
administrat'n of med. by 615.64
of dust hyg. of occupat'n613.63
gases “ “ “ 613.62
{Inhambane hist. 967.98
grapes 634.835
law 347.6
of soul metaph. 129.2
tax 336.27
see also Heredity
disease hygiene 613.93
mental disability “ 613.92
traits 136.3
nervous system 612.8011
physiologic psychology 612.82134
Initials bibliografy 014
decoration 745
game 793.72
Initiativ democracy 321.4
pol. sci. 328.261
Injection pumps hyd. mach.621.26%
collectors manuals 579.3
hypodermic 615.63
intra-uterin obstetrics 618.89
medicin 615.6
physiology 612.11812
Injectors steam engin’g 621.1973
[njured, aid to, protec. of life 614.88
agriculture 632
bee keeping 638.152
effects of diseases 616.98
forestry 634.96
results of surgery 617.2
surgery 617.1
to library books rules 024.8
shelf dept 025.8
animals agriculture 632.6
zoology 5901.65
insects agriculture 632.7
occupations hygiene 613.6
plants agriculture 632.5
botany 581.65
colord, for books 655.26
eradicators offis supplys 651.4663
manufacture 667.4
offis supplys 651.4663
pads offs fittings 651.4653
[nking writ'g mach. manuf. 681.6113
[nkstands offis econ. 651.4653
Inland .
navigation commerce 386
engineering 626
transportation 656
Topics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index