Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Intercuneiform joints anat. 611.72858 
Interdiction church ordin. 265.65 
Interdicts excommunicat'n 262.9 
labor strikes 331.8942 
and usury law 347.7 
calculation of arithmet. 511.8 
physiologic psychology 612.8212 
political economy 332.8 
securities finance 336.31 
tables accounting 657 
offis fittings 651.4655 
electoral representation 
relations to World war 
Interference optics 
Interfones offis equip. 
cable manuf, 677.735 
decoration 747 
department U.S. adm. 353.3 
of earth geology 55I.1I 
walls, incrusted architec. 729.62 
Interjections Gk syntax 485.9 
Interlibrary loans 024.68 
Interlude Eng. drama 822 
Interludes music composition 781.5086 
organ music 786.84 
of families hygiene 613.94 
races ethics I73.1 
cuttings silviculture 634.953 
education, private 373 
public 379.17 
school admission standards 371.211 
state theology 236.4 
Interment customs 393.1 - 
public helth 614.61 
Intermetacarpal joints 611.7377 
Intermetatarsal joints 611.7287 
Intermittent fever 
pathology 616.936 
public helth 614.531 
Intermolecular forces, phys. 539.6 
Intermuseum relations 069.682 
affairs U.S. administration3sr.73 
capsule anat. 611.8137 
combustion engins 621.43 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 
integral calculus 517.3 
Integrity business ethics 174 
Integument comp. anat. 591.49 
descrip. “ 3591.7%9 
Integumentary system 
anatomy 611.7 
surgery 617.47 
Intellect 151 
development education 370.1 
history 809 
influence of church 261.3 
relation of church 377.8 
functions physiol. psych. 612.821 
physiology 612.8258 
life economics 331.85 
self education 374 
philosofy 150 
proletariat economics 331.71 
property, see Copyright; Patents 
action of poisons on 612.8214 
mental science 151 
of animals 59I.5I 
offis domestic econ. 647.2 
physiologic psychology 612.8213 
tests psychology 151.2 
Intemperance ethics 178 
hygiene 613.8 
Intensity meters elec. eng. 621.3744 
Intensiv farming 631.583 
Interbrain anatomy 611.814 
[ntercalatum “ 611.8154] 
Intercarpal articulation “ 611.7273 
Intercepting sewers 628.28 
Interchondral joints anat. 611.723 
Interchurch work 280 
contests, athletic 371.75 
literary 371.535 
Intercolumnar fascia anat. 611.639 
systems offis econ. 651.262 
m-telefony 621.3853 
sociology 380 
. useful arts 650 
I[ntercostal arteries anat, 611.1 354 
glands “ 611.4643 
muscles “ 611.7356 
nervs ® 611.8242

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