Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Intrenchments mil. eng. 623.13 | Involution algebra 
Intubation arithmetic 
of larynx surgery 617.42 mod. geom. 
Intuition ethics 171.2 Inward flow turbins 
Intuitionalism phil. syst. 143 Inyanga history 
[ntuitiv faculty 156 Inyo co. Cal. - hist. 
philosofy 143 Iodids mineralogy 
Inundations Todin chemistry 
agriculture compounds, min. 
forestry Jona co. Mich. history 
meteorology grape 
protection engineering Ionia history, ancient 
[nusitum nutrition 1 “ modern 
[nvalids Ionic Greek dialects 
care of dom. econ. 649.8 order architecture 
charities 362.6 philosofy 
cookery for dom. econ. 641.563 Ions chemistry 
diet hygiene 613.23 physiology 
insurance 368.43 Tosco co. Mich. history 
econ. 331.25443 Iowa, U. 8S. 
medicin 616 admission  U. S. hist. 973.67 
[Invariants algebra 512.88 hist 
Invasion Sony oT 
Por military histor 
forest types 073.8247, 73.7477 and 
internat. law 973:89471 
Invention of printing 1 co. Ia. history 
rhetoric i Wis. # 
Inventions  bilding Ipecac  emetics 
patents Ipek World war 1915 
Inventors  biografy polela history 
Inventory Iranian languages 
business methods 658.787 [reland 
closing library for 024.45 administration 
offis administration 651.47 antiquities 
Inverness, Scot. history g41.21 architecture 
‘ co. N.S. “ 971.691 botany 
Inverse probabilities 519.1 colleges 
Inversion of uterus in labor 618.57 constitutional law 
Invertebrates education 
museum models 069.4272 finance 
paleontol. 562 geology 
specimens museum econ. 069.4592 history 
zoology 592 laws 
[nvestigation maps 
legislativ disciplin a 328.366 religious history 
Investigations administra. 351.98 : 
: . schools, public 
Investiture  eccles. polity 262.16 tatisti 
Investitures, war of 1074-84 270.4 Siatizticn 
Investments : 332 travel 
[nvincible armada,Span.hist.946.04 zoology 
Invocation ritual 264.1 other topics see table 1 
Invoices accounts 657 Ireland forgeries 
bus. methods ~~ 658.773 |  Shakspereana 822.33 
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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