For words commonly speld
with initial G pronounst as }
J see under G
4Jagataic languaj 494.322
Jail fever pathology 616.922
pub. helth 614.526
Jails architecture 725.62
prisons 365
Jaina architecture 722.4
Jainas Hindu sect 294.35
Talisco, Mexico history 972.3
Jamaica ‘ 972.92
apple 634.413
Jambs arch. construc. 721.86
James, St epistle 227.91
1 Eng. history 942.061
2 “ “ 042.067
1-5 Scot. “ 041.04
1 of Aragon
Catalan miscellany 849.9811
Henry Am. fiction 813.46
1Tames City co. Va. hist. 975.5425
grape 634.848100
Jamestown, Va. U. S. hist. 973.21
! Va. “ 975.5425
Jamrosade agriculture 634.422
botany 583.42
Jan 1 van Brabant
Dutch poetry839.31113
grape 634.84709
lL Wis. history 977.587
Tang history 967.12
Janin, J. G. Fr.essays 844.76
Janitor library econ. 023.791
servis dom.econ. 647.25
econ. 331.12447
lib. econ. 023.79
offis econ. 651.3747
Jablonitza pas World war 1916 940.4275
Jacamar birds 598.72
Jackass 636.182
Jacketed bullets sm. arms 623.45532
guns ordnance 623.42162
Jacketing ordnance 623.4234
steam engin’g621.1017
Jackets clothing 646.45
Jackhunting sport 799.25
Jack-in-the-pulpit 584.64
Jacks, lifting mech. eng. - 621.869
Jackson, Andrew presidencyg73. 56
H.M.F.H. Am.fic. 813.49
Jackson city, Mich. history 977.428
co. Fla. “975.993
(11. 977-3994
Ind. 077-223
Ia. 977.764
Kan. 978.1335
Mich. 977.428
Mo. 977.841
O. 977.185
W. Va. 075.431
Wis. 977.551
Jacksonville, Fla. 975.9127
L IIL 977.346
Jackstones game 796.23
Jackstraws “ 793.75
Jacobins French hist. 044.04
monastic orders 271.2
pigeons 636.59625
political clubs 363
Jacobite church 281.5
Jacobites Eng. pol. party 329.942
Jacobs, W: W. Eng. fic. 823.91
tJacobsdal hist. 968.52
Jacobsen, J. P: Dan. fic. 839.8136
Jacobstadt World war 1917 940.4326
Jaconet manuf. 677.21641
Jacotot’s system of educ. 371.45
Jacquard looms 677.41542
Jacquerie French history 944.025
Jacques Cartier co. Que. hist.g71.4285
Jacquet game 795.1
Jacquez grape 634.8544
Jadar, Serb. World war 1914 940. 4227
Jade mineralogy 540.61
birds 598.42
grape 634.845509
jaffa, Pales. World war 1917 940.4331
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index