Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Jebel Hamrin World war 1917 940. 4333 
Jeddo history 952 
travel 915.2 
Jefferson, T: presidency of 973.46 
!Jefferson city, Mo. history 977.8551 
co. Fla. ¢ 975.987 
nm.“ 977.3793 
Ind. « 977.213 
fa. “977.794 
Kan. « 978.137 
Mo. “ 977.867 
N.Y. © 974.757 
O. “ 977.169 
Pa. “ 974.862 
W.Va.© 975.499 
Wis. “977.585 
grape 634.84709 
Jeffersonville, Ind. history 977.218 
Jeffrey, F. Eng. essays 824.73 
Jehovah doctrinal theol. 231 
Jejunum anatomy 611.343 
Jelly fish zoology 593.8 
Jelousy ethics 179.8 
Jennet ass 636.182 
hinny 636.183 
oriental horse 636.11 
Jennings co. Ind. history 977.217 
Jenny, spinning 677.2152 
Jeremiah Bible 224.2 
Jeremy, epistle of Bible 229.5 
Jericho, Pales. World war 1918 940. 4382 
Jerrold, D. Eng. humor 827.81 
Jersey blue fowls 636.5812 
cattle 636.2243 
City, N. J. history 974.927 
co. Ill. “ 977.383 
636.5814 iland of “ 042.34 
992.2 travels 914.234 
019.22 prison ship 073.3711 
973.5251 swine 636.483 
499.222 Jerseys, Washington in the ¢73.3325 
796.38 Jerusalem 
616.71 artichoke field crops 633.494 
611.7164 garden “ 635.24 
611.7161 city 
611.724 hist. ancient 933 
616.72 modern ’ 956.9 
surgery 617.52 World war 1917 940.4331 
Tay co. Ind. history 977.267 travels, modern 915.69 
Jay's treaty U.S. hist. 973.43 corn cereals 633.178 
Jealousy ethics 179.8 St John of knights 029.711 
Jean de Tuim Fr. fiction 843.22 Jesirah pseudepigrafa 229.915 
Jeanne d’Arc “ hist. 944.026 Jessica grape 634.84709 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 
architecture 722.1 
art 709.52 
bantams 636.58715 
color prints 761 
labor 331.625 
language 495.6 
literature 805.6 
poultry 636.5857 
servants dom. econ. 647.24 
wineberry 634.712 
Japanning varnishing 698.3 
Jaroslav World war 1914 940.4225 
1915 940.4253 
Jars electric engineering 621.3527 
Jasher, book of 229.915 
Jaslo World war 1914 940. 4225 
Jasmin, J. Provencal poet. 849.143 
Jasmin perfume plants 633.811 
Jasper co. Ill. history 977.374 
! Ind. “ 977.297 
Ia. “ 977-759 
Mo. “ 977.872 
Jaulgonne, Fr.World war 1918 940.4351 
Jaumave istle 633.5772 
Jaundis diseases 616.36 
physiology 612.3576% 
! iland history 
ship U.S.war of 1812 
Javanese languaj 
Javelin throwing sport 
Jaw bone diseases 
lower anat. 
upper “ 
joint anatomy 

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