Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Kaspar von der Rohn 831.35 Kentucky, U. S. 
'Kassala history 962.9 travel 917.69 
'Kastamuni, Asia Tur. hist.g56.3 Kentucky coffee tree 583.32 
Katanga province history 967.58 horse 636.13 
Kate, J. J. L. ten Flem. poet. 839.3215 red turkey 636.5928 
Katydid insects 595.728 Kenya colony and protectorate 
Kavala, Gr. World war 1916 940.4285 1 history 967.6 
Kaye-Smith, Sheila Eng. fic. 823.91 travel 916.76 
Kearny in New Mexico 973.6231 1 province history 967.64 
Kearny co. Kan. hist. 978.1425 Keokuk city, Ia. “ 977.7991 
Kearsarge, ship U. S. hist. 973.754 1 co. la. “ 977.991 
Keats, John Eng. poetry 821. 78 Kepler's problem astron. 521.37 
Keeley cure alcoholism. 616.861 Keramics art 738 
Keels shipbilding 623.84 chemic tech. 666.3 
'Keetmanshoop hist. 968.833 museurmn’econ. 069.4738 
. Wid war 1915 940.4268 Keratomalacia eye diseases 617.71 
Keewatin, Canada history 971.26 Kerguelen history 969.93 
Kelim carpet fran travel or oo Kerind, Per. World war 1917 940.4334 
uf. . 
Kellgren, J. H. Swed. poet. 839. 52 Rormanshah Wid war 1946 040.4204 
Kelpies folklore 398.4 1917/940.4334 
Keltic antiquities 913.364 Kermess Lo 394.6 
druids religion 299.16 Kern co. Cal. history 979.488 
languajes 491.6 Kerosene 
swine 636.441 chemic technology 665.5 
Kelts ancient history 936.4 heating chem. 542.43 
French “ 944.01 inspection prot. of life 614.834 
Kempis, Thomas a 242.1 Kerry, Ireland history 941.96 
Kendall co. Ill. history 977.326 cattle 636.2256 
IKenedugu 966.23 sheep 636.3244 
‘Kenhardt “ 968.747 Ketones chemistry 547.6 
"Kennebec co. Me.  « 974.16 Kewaunee co. Wis. hist. 977.562 
Kennedy, C: R. Am. drama 812.5 Keweenaw co. Mich. “977.4099 
I: P. “ fic. 813.32 Kexél, Olof Swed. drama 839.7253 
Keno amusements 795.3 Key 
‘Kenosha city, Wis. hist. 977.599 books 098.5 
] co. Wis. 977-598 bugle musical instru. 788.46 
Hemingion grape . 634.84909 1 West, Fla. history 975.9411 
London hist. 942.13 
Kent co. Del. history 975.14 Reorhoand ; 
1 England 942.23 instruments music 786 
Md. “ 975.236 typewriter manuf. 681.6121 
Mich.  “ 977-455 Reps 
N. B. . 971.522 and locks manufac. 683 
Ont. 971.333 machine fastenings 621.883 
R. I. 974.54 mathemat. studenthon. 371.81 
poultry 636.523 Keyser, R. Norw. essays 839.8246 
sheep 636.3215 tKhama'’s country hist. 968.14 
Kentani history 968.673 Kharbarovsh Wid war 1918 940,4385 
Kentucky, U. S. 1Khartum history 962.6 
admission ~~ U.S. hist. 973.41 travel 916.26 
i history, see ai 9 Khita priclont bistory : 939-45 
divisions of Special campains Khiva history 958.5 
od hte biory ne travel ors. 85 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this Indes

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