1IKhodavendigar, Asia hist. 956.1 Kingman co. Kan. history 978.184
1Khokand, Turkestan “ 958.7 Kingo, Thomas Dan. poet. 839.81134
Kholm, Pol. World war 1915 940.4252 Kings
‘Khond languaj 494.824 absolute monarchy 321.6
Kibizzo textil manuf. 677.443 bench 347.99
Kidderminster carpet manuf. 677.6436 book of, Bible 222.5
Kidglove orange 634.322 constitutional monarchy 321.7%
Kidnapping crim. law 343 co. Cal. history 979.485
Kidney bean 635.652 Ireland “ 941.86
vetch 633.362 New Brunswick “ 971.541
Kidneys New York “ 974.722
action of vagus on 612.819915 Nova Scotia “971.634
anatomy 611.61 P.E. I “ or1.77
diseases 616.61 daughters 267.433
physiology 612.46 divine right pol. sci. 321.6
surgery : 617.46 evil diseases 616.996
Kieff, Ukraine WId war 1918 940.4374 lives 923.1
Kiel, Ger. World war 940.453 mountain Am. revol. 973.3364
Kierkegaard, S.A. Dan. essays 839.81462 Kingship 321.6
Kiev, Ukraine Wd war 1918 940.4374 Kingsley, C: Eng. fiction 823.85
Kigezi hist. 967.613 Kingston, Ont. history 971.372
Kikuyu « 967.65 Peteileel, J: G. Ger. poetry 831.82
Kildare, Ireland history 941.85 Ringoes, Scotland history 941.34
Kilimane 67 Kinship customs 392
1hima 967.94
Kilkenny, Ire “ 941.89 genealogy 929. I
Kill Ys « « ’ Kintampo district hist. 966.78
llamey 941.96 Kiowa co. Kan. hist. 978.1785
. travels 914.196 Kipling, R. Eng. fic. 823.89
Kilos anatomy 611.81717 poet. 821.89
Kilpatrick's expedition 973.7362 Kipp gas apparatus chem. 542.72
‘Kilwa hist. 967.84 Kirfa ~~ World war 1918 940.4383
‘Kimberly % 968.782 ‘Kirgis languaj 494.34
Kincardine, Scot. history 941.26 Kirkcudbright, Scot. hist. 941.49
Kindergarten education 372.2 Kirkuk World war 1918 940.4383
Kindness ethics 177.7 Kirlibaba pas World war 1915 940.4254
Kinematics machinery 621.81 Kirmess 394.6
physics $31.3 Kishineff World war 1918 940.4374
Kinetic theory of gases 533.7 ‘Kismayu hist. 967.68
Kinetics physics 531.3 Ttesithugu “ 966. 56
Kinetograf photografy 778 Sissing
Kinetoscope “ 778 Customs
King, Basil Amer. fic. 813.5 Kote languajes
. William Eng. Sadie 827.47 Kita andient Wlary
ing and Queen co. Va. hist.975.535 Chichen
George co. Va. “ 975.525 domestic economy 643.3
George's war U.S.“ 973.26 gardening 635
grape 634.847 middens archeology 571.93
Philip’s war N.E. hist.974 Kitchens architecture 728.93
US. “ 973.24 cooperativ 362.54
William co. Va. “975.5355 Sunday skool 268.235
William’s Town “ 968.778 Kite flying meteorology 551.51
war U.S. ¢ 973.25 mil, aeron, 623.746
Kingfisher birds 598.89 sports 796.15
Kinghir sheep 636.385 Kites aeronautics 629.171
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index