Air 1Alachua co. Fla. history 975.979
pressure of meteorol. 551.54 Aladdin oven
pump 533-5 kitchen equipment 643.338
raids World war recipes 641.588
on England Alamanni, L. Ital. poetry 851.36
France Alameda city, Cal. hist. 979.465
Germany co. ©“ “ 979.465
residual physiology Alani ancient history 936.314
servis World war Alano hights, Italy
bases World war 1918 940.4373
ships engineering Alar thoracic artery 611.1341
military engin’g Alarcén, P. A. de Span. fic. 863.5
theory Alarcon y Mendoza ’’ drama 862.34
sickness Alarm :
aeronautics 629.145 clocks manuf. 681.1137
physiology 612.27511 reckoners ¢ 681.1186
soil physics agriculture 631.433 Alarms, fire
spaces pub. helth 614.783 local government 352.3
Territory of Niger hist. 966.28 protection of public 614.842
transport business 656 signals 654.7
commerce 387.7 Alaska
engineering 629.13 1 history
ventilation 628.8 purchase U.S. hist.
warfare World war 940.44 travel
ways aeronautics 629.145 Alba anatomy
mining engin'g 622.45 Alamia
Airy's theory geodesy 526.14 Asia anc, hist. 939.56
Aisles library bldgs 022.434 ! Turkey mod. hist. 949.6
‘Aisne, France history 044.34 World war 040.3-.4
river, France World war travels 914.96
Allied offensiv 1917 940.4316 ‘Albanian languaj 401.001
1st battle 1914 040.4216 swine 636.474
2d battle 1917 040.4316 Albany
Aix-la-Chapelle 1 Cape of Good Hope hist. 968.757
international congress 341.1 I city, N. Y. hist, 974.743
treaties 341.2 convention U.S. hist. 973.26
Akenside, M: Eng. poetry 821.62 l co. N.Y. history 974.742
Aking sport 796.95 Albatross
Akkad ancient history 935.4 1 jland history
Akron, O: history 977.1361 zoology
Ala, Tyrol World war 1915 940.4248 Albemarle
Alabama ! co. Va. history 975.548
claims arbitration 341.6 ship U. S. civ. war 973-754
Eng. history 942.08 Albert 1 German history 943.026
internat. law 341 2 “ “ 943.038
neutrals 341.3 Albert
U. S. hist. 973.722 1 Cape of Good Hope hist. 968.769
and Kearsarge 973.754 ! co. N.B. history 971.531
privateers 341.3 France
U. S. civ. war 973.757 World war 1918
state, admission U. S. hist. 973.54 British possession 940.4353
history 976.1 | German ~~ “ 940.4341
secession U.S.hist. 973.713 Montdidier WI1d war 1918 940.448
travel 917.61 Nyanza travels 916.7614
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inder