Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Leg anatomy Legs, artificial surgery 617.58 
lymfatics “ Legumes field crops 633.3 
muscles # food values 641.12 
surgical operations garden crops 635.65 
Legacies law harvesting 631.5563 
taxation nutrition 612.3924 
Legal Leguminosee botany 583.32 
anecdotes 340.9 Leguminous fruits 634.46 
bibliografy 016.34 Le Hamel ~~ World war 1918 940. 4353 
capacity of persons law 347.1 ‘Lehigh co. Pa. history 074.827 
chemistry law 340.6 Leibnitz Ger. philosofy 1903.1 
education 340.7 ‘Leicester, Eng. history 942. 54 
ethics 174.3 travels g14.254 
hermeneutics 347 border, sheep 636.3213 
holidays customs 394.26 sheep 636.3212 
economics 331.817 'Leinster, Ireland history 941.8 
lib. econ. 023.652 ‘Leipzig history 943.21 
offis econ. 651.4252 travels 914.321 
maxims 340.9 Leitneriee botany 583.972 
medicin asphyxiation in612.232 'Leitrim, Ireland history g41. 71 
jurisprudence 340.6 Le Mans fowls : 636.543 
profession, see Lawyers Lemberg World war 1914 940.4225 
status of woman 306.2 "1915 0940.4253 
tender paper money 332.3 Lemercier, L! J* N. 842.68 
Legendre's theorem geod. 526.42 Lemnaceze botany 584.68 
Legends folklore 398.22 Lemniscus anatomy 611.8169 
monastic 271 Lemnos ancient history 939.11 
mythology 201 L modern  “ 949.91 
of the Madonna 232.931 ‘Lemoille co. Vt. history 974.3 3 
Legerdemain 791.1 Lemon vine - 634.7757 
Le Gheir World war 1914 940.4213 Lemonade adulterations 614. 346 
Leghorn fowls 636.551 Lemons fruit culture 634.334 
Legislation 328 Lempster sheep 536.3242 
American statutes 345 Lemur zoology 599.81 
British “ 346 Lenawee co. Mich. hist. 977.431 
comparativ 340.5 [Length of college course 378.241 
fertilizers 631.818 legislativ sessions 328.354 
industrial 338.9 term of offis 328.3356 
library founding of libs. 021.8 working day econ. 331.811 
political science 328 Leningrad, Rus. hist. 947.4 
public helth ; 614.09 trav. 914.74 
sumptuary social ethics 177.4 Lennep, J. van Dutch fic. 839.31 354 
wages 331.261 Lenngren, A.M. Swed.poet. 839.7156 
see also qualifying term Lennoaceee botany 583.66 
Legislativ ‘Lennox & Addington co. Ont. 
bodies and annals 328 history 971.359 
manuals } 328.371 - Lenoir grape 634.8452 
reporting shorthand 653.046 Lens 
Legislators crystallin ‘anatomy 611.8441 
powers 328.34 physiology 612.8441 
restrictions 328.34 eye diseases 617.74 
Legislatures, see Legis. bodies Fr. World war 1917 940.4316 
Legitimacy family law 347.6 1018 Sep. 940.4355 
Legitimation among poor 362.55 Oct. 940.4363 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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