Allatoona, Ga. U.S.civ.war.g73.7372
Allegan co. Mich. hist. 977.414
Allegany co. Md. 4 975.294
travels 917.5294
1 N.Y. hist. 974.784
Alleghany co. Va. « 975.581
: crest W.Va. 975.48
travel 917.548
mountains “ = 917.5
'Allegheny City, Pa. hist. 974.887
t co. “« a 974.885
Allegiance Eng. priv. law 347.r
internat. law 341.5%
naturalization 323.62
political science 320.158
Eng. literature 828
religious 244
Allegretto music form 781.50813
Allegro 8 “ 781.50811
Allen, J. L. Amer. fic, 813.49
'Allen co. Ind. history 977.274
t Kan. “ 978.194
Mich. “ 977.414
0. “ 977.142
shorthand system 653.57 Aloe
Allenstein, East Prussia agriculture 633.5774
World war 1914 Aug. botany } 584.25
Sep. cordage manuf. 677.717
Allergy medicin Aloes poisons 615.93
Alliance Alopecia dermatology 616.54
Evangelical Alpaca domestic animals 636.296
Holy treaties fabrics dom. econ. 646.13
ship Amer. revol. mank, 677.32
Alliances ermal. law Alpena co. Mich. history 977.481
ol. science 3
'Allier, France history . travels 917.7483
Allies Alpes Basses, Frases Bist, 944.95
Entente World war Hautes 944.97
Teuton « « Maritimes “ “ 0944.94
Alligation arithmetic Alphabet, etc. see Alfabet
Alligator Alphen, H. van Dutch poet. 839.31147
pear agriculture ‘Alpine co. Cal. hist. 979.443
botany gardens floriculture 635.9672
zoology goat : 636.3936
Alliteration plants botany 581.9494
game 793.71 floriculture 635.9526
prosody 416 strawberry 634.753
rhetoric 808 travels 914.94
Alliterativ poems Eng. 821.1 Alpinism sports 796. 52
Allodium land ownership 333.3 Alps Swiss geology 554.94
law 347.2 travel 914.94
Allopathy medicin 615.5% Alsace French history 944.383
Allotment system 333.8% German “ 943.445
Terics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the ‘end of this index