Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

lAlsace-Lorraine French hist. 944.38 
Germ. “ 0943.44 
World war 1914 940.4219 
1915 940.4246 
Alsatian poultry 636.538 
Alsinez botany 583.154 
Alsop, George Am. satire 817.12 
Richard “ poetry 811.25 
Altar cloths sac. ornam. 247.7 
Altars architec. accessor. 729.91 
comparativ religion 291.35 
ecclesiology 246.6 
Alt-azimuth instruments 522.42 
Alterations butter 637.26 
honey 638.166 
milk 637.16 
Alternate generation zool. 591.163 
Alternating current 
action on organisms 612.014424% 
arc light elec. eng. 621.32553 
electrophysiol. technic  612.014421¢ 
machinery elec. eng, 621.3133 
traction lines “oo. 621.33143 
Alternation forest silvics  634.94825 
vote suffrage 324.224 
high sanitariums 
imponderable remedies 
physiologic effects 
Altkirch World war 1914 
1Alto Juba history 
1 Shebeli history 
1Alton, Ill. history 
riot U.S. history 
'Altoona, Pa. history 
Altruism ethics 
{Aluano history 
Alum root botany 
in articles of dress 646.19 
inorganic chemistry 546.66 
metallurgy 669.7 
Alumnae associated 376.66 
Alumni associated 378.068 
biografy 378 
Alungu history 968.963 
Alvarelhao grape 634 .85469 
Alveolar limbus anatomy 611.71641 
Alwato universal lang. 408.9 
Amadeus Spanish hist. 946.08 
Amadisde Gaula Span. fict. 863.22 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior ficures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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