Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

processional amusem’ts 791.6 
customs 394.5 
student life 371.895 
dept organiza. economics 33I.12446 
offisec. 651.3746 
legislativ bodies 328.3625 
library staff 023.78 
numbering of printing 655.27 
Paging machines % 655.36 
Pagodas sacred places 291.35 
Paidology 136.7 
Pail system sanitation 628.42 
Pailleron, E* Fr. drama 842.87 
Pain sense physiology 612.884 
Painless extinction 
of animal life 
Paint, prehistoric 
Painted decoration arch. 
Painters biografy 
fine art 
house, sign, etc. 
collections of 
engravings from 
museum econ. 
Paints chem. technol 
Pairing legislativ procedure 
Palaces architecture 
of rulers « 
peace  “ 
Pale- see Pale- 
anatomy 6rx.315 
bone anatomy 611.7162 
muscles “ 611.732%6 
soft, in speech physiol. 612.7892 
Pau fowls Palatinate 
Pediatrics | medicin lowly 
: pper 943-34 
i warof U.S. history 973.25 
Paganism Pale blueberry 634.736 
Page, T N. Amer. fic. Palsohetany 561 
Page co. Ia. history Paleografy 
; Va. « English language 421.9 
size newspapers ingeripiiong . 417 
Pageants Paleolithic age prehist.arch, 571.1 
dtnmmtic customs 394.2 Paleontologic anatomy 611.016 
scenario writ'g 808.2 Paleontologists  biografy 925.6 
theater 792 Paleontology 560 
Topics in black face type are subdivided, Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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