geology 551.72
history 045.8
travels 914.58
ancient history 933
modern = “ 956.9
Wild war 1917 940.4331
pre-Judaic hist. 939.45
travels 915.69
Palestrina sacred music 783.4
Palfrey horse 636.13
‘Pali languaj 491.3701
Palimpsests rare mss. 091
Palingenesis metaphys. 129.4
Palisades fortifications 623.117
Pall mall sports 796.354
Palladium inorgan. chem. 546.98
Palladius Danish misc. 839.81824
Pallium anatomy 611.8131
sacred ornam. 247.6
Pallone ball game 796.32
Palm, J. H. van der 839.3145T
! Beach co. Fla. hist.
cordage manuf.
family fruit culture
special libr.ry material 025.172
on special topics see subject
IPamirs history 958.6
languajes 491.592
Pamphlets, see Pamflets
Pamphylia ancient hist. 939.29
Pampiniform plexus 611.1466
Panaetius Greek philos. 188.4
congress U. S. history 973.55
hat fiber 633.584
! history 986
Pananti, Filippo Ital.satire 857.67
Pancreas anatomy 611.37
diseases of 616.37
physiology 612.34
artery anatomy 611.13642
duct # 611.373
juice physiology 612.34
secretions animals 501.143
Pancreatico-duodenal artery
975.932 inferior anatomy 611.13651
584.5 superior “ 611.1364"
677.718 Pancreatin aids to digest. 615.7342
634.6 Pandanea botany 584.61
716.1 Pandanus textils 677.542
istle 633.5772 Pandects Roman law 349.375
muscles anatomy 611.7377 Paneld construction
sugar plants 633.65 carpentry
Palma history 964.93 Panels
Palmaceous fruits 634.6 carvd arch. decoration 729.56
Palmaris brevis anatomy 611.73772 central elec. station 621.3172
longus “ 611.73752 local electric lighting 621.3283
Palmetto botany 584.5 painted arch. decorat. 729.46
Palmieri, M. Ital. essays 854.22 a story 967.82
Palmistry amusements 793.8 Pan-Germanism
} magic 133.6 World war causes 940.3112
Palmists biografy 920.9
Palms, see Palm Panhandle }
Palmyra ancient history 939.43 ' Eastern W.Va. history 975.49
Palo Alto, battle Mex.war 973.6234. travel 917.549
| co. Ia. history 977.7155 Northern history 975.411
Palomino grape 634.849 Panic
Palpebrae anatomy 611.847 financial 1837 U.S.hist. 973.57
Palpebral apparatus sight 612.847 1873 “ “ 973.82
Palsy, see Paralysis grass cereals 633.172
Paludan-Miiller,F. Dan.poet.839.81167 Paniceae forage crops 633.283
Pamflets Panics
cases for lib. econ. 025.8 commercial money 332
miscellaneous collections 040 production 338
preservation of 025.4 trade 381
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index