Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Provence, France history 944.9 Psychic 
Proverbs influence on digestion 612.3281 
acted amusements 793.24 medicin mental pathol. 132 
book of Bible 223.7 nervous diseases 616.8 
folklore 398.9 phenomena 134 
IProvidence,R.1I. hist. 974.52 reflexes physiol. 612.8216 
! co.R.I. “ 974.51 research mind and body 130 
Divine theol. 231.5 Psychoanalisis 131 
iland hist. 969.45 Psychologic tests 151.2 
natural 214 theory music 781.1 
Ger. local gov. 352.04301 Psychology 
of Canada hist. 971.04 abnormal 132 
Provincial policy forestry 634.92524 comparativ physiology 612.82131 
3Provincialisms Eng. lang. 427 of fashions dom. econ. 646.01 
Proxy system suffrage 324.223 labor pol. econ. 331.015 
Proyart W. war 1918 Mar. 940.4341 pedagogic 370.15 
Aug. 940.4353 philosofy 150 
Pruning physiologic 612.821 
agriculture Psychomancy divination 133.3 
forestry Psychometry physiology 612.8211 
tools Psychomotiv centers 612.8252 
Prussia history Psychophysical laws 612.82188 
World war Psychotherapy therapeu. 615.851 
Prussian Psychrometry meteorol. 551.57 
4 language, old 491.91 Pteridophyta botany 587 
merinos 636.36731 Pterobranchia zool. 594.73 
Saxony, Germany hist. 943.18 Pterodactyl paleontology 568.18 
travelgr4.318 Pteropoda zoology 594.4 
Prussic acid mater. med. 615.34 Pterosauria  reptils 598.18 
toxicology 615.962 Pterygoid muscles anat. 611.73273 
Prytz, A.J. Swed. drama 839.7223 Ptomains 
Przasnysz World war 1914 940.4224 animal poisons 615.94 
I9I5 940.4252 physiology of nutrition 612.398195 
Przemysl World war 1914 940.4225 urin 612.461262 
I9I5 940.4253 Ptyalin salivary action 612.3132 
Przemyslany World war 1914 940.4225 tryptic digestion 612.3423 
Psalmody music 783.9 Puberty physiology 612.661 
Psalms Bible 223.2 Pubic joints anatomy 611.7281 
hymnology 245 Pubis “ 611.71812 
Psalter Anglican ritual 264.038 Public 
Pseudepigrafa 229 accounts administra. 351.72 
Pseudo gospels 229.8 administration 350 
Pseudocele  anat. 611.8139 analysts adulterations 614.3 
Pseudomorfs crystallog. 548.6 annuities 336.35 
Pseudoneuroptera insects 595.73 balls 793.384 
pests 632.73 baths 613.47 
Pseudonyms bibliografy o14 begging state control 351.763 
Pseudoscorpiones zool. 595.47 bildings architecture 725 
Psittacidae birds 598.71 care of 647.96 
Pskov World war 1918 940.4374 local governm’t 352.5 
Psoraleae forage crops 633.375 charities 361 
Psychiatry, see Insanity charity state control 351.84 
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes

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