Real Receptaculum chyli anat. 611.423
presence theology 265.3 Reception
property law 347.2 decorations floriculture 635.9653
Realism philosofy 149.2 of goods lib. economy 025.233
Realty law 347.2 room dom. « 645.62
Reamers machine tools 621.954 Receptions customs 394.44
Reapers agriculture 631.354 dom. economy 642.43
steam engin’g 621.146 Recesses legislativ bodies 328.355
Reaping 631.554 schools 371.24
hook 631.3511 Recessional cathedral serv. 783.29
Reapportionment Recipe books cookery 641.5
representat’'n 328.3345 Recipes, see Receits
Reason Reciprocal
and revelation Chris. doct. 234.23 polars analytic geom. 516.55
in animals zoology 501.51 modern “ 513.55
intuitiv faculty 156 Reciprocating steam engins 621.112
natural theology 210 Reciprocity free trade 337.9
physiologic psychology 612.8213 Recitation rooms archit. 527.r
Reasoning faculty « 153.6 Recitations education 371.32
Rebecca grape 634.84709 Recitativ. ~~ music 784.2
Rebellion Reckoners time manuf. 681.118
Canadian history 971.038 Reclamation
1717, 1745 Irish hist. 941.5% drainage agriculture 631.6
political science 323.2 engineering 627.5
southern U.S. hist. 973.7 irrigation agriculture 631.7
Reboul, Jean Fr. poetry 841.75 engineering 626.8
Rebuses amusements 793.73 soil 631.45
Recall administration 351.9 Recognition hereafter
Receipt, see Receit doctrinal theology 237
Receit Recoil
books cookery 641.5 mechanism ordnance 623.4356
index library economy 025.236 mounts mil engin’'g 623.574
Receits Récollets religious orders 271.34
library economy 020.83 Recommendations
finance 025.114 employees offis records 651.66
medicin 615 legislativ procedure 328.372
useful arts 602 selecting workers econ. 331.1153
workshop chem. tech. 660 offis ec. 651.3453
on special subjects see subject servis records 331.123
Receivers law 347.7 Reconnaissance forestry 634.928332
telefone 621.3863 geodesy 526.31
telegraf 621.3833 Reconstruction U. S. hist. 973.8
Receiving World war 940.3144
clocks horology Record
indus. manage. accession lib. econ.
vaults architecture clock library econ.
Recent period geology offis i
Receptacles offises architecture
for butter 637.2351 Recorders, telegraf
milk 637.1327 Recording meters, elec.
plants 631.346 Records
packing indus. manage. 658.78844 employees offis files 651.66
prac. chem. 542.23 _ legislativ 328.363
Fovics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index