Roadrollers gas engins 621.4382
roadmaking 625.7
steam engins 621.145
structure lithology 552.82
worship 291.2121
Rockbridge co. Va. hist. 975.585
Rockefeller institute 378.32
Rockets, signal mil. eng. 623.45444
"Rockford, Ill. history 977.331
Rockingham co. N.H, hist. 974.26
: Va. “975.592
Rockland co. N. Y. “ 974.728
cleavage of geology 551.84
conductivity of “ 551.14
lithology 552
polarity in geology 551.84
Rocky mountain goat 636.2937
mts, U.S. travel 917.8
Canada “ 917.12
Rococo style architecture 724.19
Rodentia zoology 599.32
Rodolph 1 Ger. history 943.026
2 “ “ 943.034
Rodriguez hist. 969.83
Rodriguez Rubi, Tomas 862.52
glass prac. chemistry
steam locomotiv
strength of materials
Roentgen rays, see X rays
Roeux World war 1918 940.4355
Roig, Jacme Catal. poetry 849.9133
Rojas y Zorrilla, F. de 862.36
chansonde Fr. poetry
fasciculus cord 611.8261
medulla 611.8182
groove cerebrum 611.81317
Roll call legislativ proced. 328.375
Rolland, Romain Fr. drama 842.91
fict., 843.91
Rolled material
storage methods offis ec. 651.543
Rolleghemcapelle W.war 1918 940.4363
Rollenhagen, G: Ger.poetry 831.46
bearings mech. eng.
skates amusements
agriculture 631.28
and pavements engin'g 625.7
cable * 625.5
elevated “ 625.4
engineering * 625.7
forest eng. 634.9342
military ~~ mil. eng. 623.62
stone engineering 625.86
transport 388.1
Roan ducks 636.5974
"Roane co. W. Va. history 975.436
t city, Va. history 975.5791
! co. Va, & 975.579
iland, N. C.
battle U.S. civ. war 973.7324
naval hist, “ “ 973.752
Roasting cookery 641.71
Robbers biografy 923.41
Robbery criminal law ~~ 343
Robert 2 French history 944.021
of Gloucester 821.13
Robertson hist. 968.733
'Robertsport ® 966.62
Robin Hood Eng. ballads 821.04
legends 398.22
Robinson, E. A. Amer. poet. 811.5
Robinsonaden Ger. fiction 833.54
Rocaberti, Fra Catalanlit. 849.912
1Rochester, N. Y. history 974.789
grape 634.84700
analysis chemistry - 543.6
blasting engineering 622.23
carvings archeology 571.73
co. Ill. history 977.339
Wis. @ 977.587
crystal, see Quartz
drills machine tools 621.952
foundations architecture 721.11
gardens floriculture 635.9672
grape 634.8436
Island, Ill. history 977.339 621.822
minerals determination 552.81 791.7
natural fertilizers 631.851 677.5411
plants floriculture 635.9672 022.46
rose botany 583.134 706.21
salt economic geology 553.62 685.362
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde: